Originally posted by ruijin yang:
dynamicproxy.HelloIF myProxy = (dynamicproxy.HelloIF)helloService.getPort(
new QName(nameSpaceUri,portName),
1) HelloIF.class is generated by wscompile (at compile time)
2) The port name (HelloIFPort) is specified by the WSDL file
3. Compile Client Code with Service Endpoint Interface class CLASSPATH
4. Package Client to a jar file with SEI class.
Originally posted by Durgaprasad Guduguntla:
If we assume that the web container and EJB container are colocated within the same Application server, we can use local interface for the web application and remote interface for the swing client, for accessing the facade to businnes tier. That way we can confine RMI communication to swing client only and on the other hand as the web client uses local communication, there will be a significant improvement in performance. What do you think?
Originally posted by Dan Drillich:
Hi Brian,
What do you think?
Originally posted by Steve Taiwan:
Dear Andrew.
Yes, I designed to do the second query based on the first query. I think this is much efficient.
If there are 10 itineraries from the frsit query and then user selects one, I only have to do the second query once based on the selected itinerary.If I don't do this, I might have 10*10 query in the first query and have to caache them in the Context Object, which is so fat.
I think i won't put a lot of imformation in Context Object and I don't plan to make Context Object a shopping cart. Airline seat booking is different from buying books in Amazon. So I don't make a shooping cart in the design. At the current stage, I have no plan to implement ValueListHandler
What do you think??
[ November 22, 2006: Message edited by: Steve Taiwan ]
Originally posted by Andrew Zilahi:
BD is a POJO on the client/web tier, not a SLSB.
Originally posted by Marta De rossi:
Hi all !
In fact I don't like very much to use both a Stateful SB and HTTPSession to store the handle(of SFSB). It seems more complicated and error-prone to keep up with both this session information.
Now I re-engineered it with just SLSB. I have inserted the ShoppingCart object in the HTTPSession for web clients and just kept it in memory for plain Java Clients.
I think it could make also the application more scalable.
I hope that my approach will not be a failure when I deliver my assignment
What do you say ?
Originally posted by Changski Tie Zheng Zhang:
Hi Brian,
I didn't use anything fancy (lollipop and socket), just basic features in Rational Rose will be enough, I think.