jin shin

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since Oct 28, 2002
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Recent posts by jin shin

Hi all,
My JSP calls the process() method of my XSL stylesheet.
The stylesheet then calls a Javascript function.
Is there a way in the Javascript function to get the URL of the JSP ?
Be sure you have the CLASSPATH properly setup. Then you can check whether your browser bypass the proxy server. Try to follow this step..
From IE5...
1. Click Tools menu then select Internet options
2. Click on the Connection tab
3. Click on the Lan Settings
4. Click on the check box that says "Bypass Proxy server for local address" (you should check this box)
5. Start your tomcat server
6. Start IE5
7. type http://localhost/examples
That's it! Hope it Helps!
24 years ago
I got it working as a localhost! I manage to start from Win NT. I'm using IE5.
What I did was...
From IE5...
1. Click Tools menu then select Internet options
2. Click on the Connection tab
3. Click on the Lan Settings
4. Click on the check box that says "Bypass Proxy server for local address" (you should check this box)
5. Start your tomcat server
6. Start IE5
7. type http://localhost/examples
That's it!

6. Then
24 years ago
Something funny... When I call startup.bat
c:\Implementation\jakarta-tomcat\bin startup
in dos console, another window (dos) produces the following details:
Context log: path="/examples" Adding context path="/examples" docBase="webapps/
Context log: path="" Adding context path="" docBase="webapps/ROOT"
Context log: path="/test" Adding context path="/test" docBase="webapps/test"
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
Starting tomcat install="C:\JavaTools\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat" home="C:\JavaTools\
tomcat\jakarta-tomcat" classPath="C:\JavaTools\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat\classes;C:\
tomcat\jakarta-tomcat\lib\servlet.jar;C:\Program Files\Sybase\Shared\Sun\jdk122\
lib\tools.jar;C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\Jaxp1.0.1\jaxp.jar;C:\Program Files\Java
Context log: path="/admin" Automatic context load docBase="C:\JavaTools\tomcat\j
Context log: path="/admin" Adding context path="/admin" docBase="C:\JavaTools\t
My tomcat.log contains:
Starting endpoint port="8080" handler="org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler"
Starting endpoint port="8007" handler="org.apache.tomcat.service.connector.Ajp12ConnectionHandler"
Does this makes sense?
24 years ago
I think I agree with satya. It doesn't seem to worked if I am connected through a network (in office). I try this whole think at home, Win 98, and it working fine. Do we need additional set-up in order for servlet examples to run in Win NT? Somebody help?
Thanks in advance!
24 years ago
I installed Tomcat 3.1 in Win NT with the following details:
1. Classpath contains jdk classes
 .;C:\jdk\lib\classes.zip
2 Path contains jdk bin
 .;C:\jdk\bin
3 I installed tomcat in
 C:\Implementation
Which make C:\Implementation as my installation directory
4 I�ve got the following directory structure in my installation directory
 C:\Implementation\jakarta-tomcat
 The following directory exist in the C:\Implementation\jakarta-tomcat
bin ->>Contains startup/shutdown� scripts
conf ->>Contains various configuration files including server.xml (Tomcat�s main configuration file) and web.xml that sets the default values for the various web applications deployed in Tomcat.
Doc ->>Contains miscellaneous documents regarding Tomcat.
Lib ->>Contains various jar files that are used by Tomcat. On UNIX any file in this directory is appended to Tomcat�s classpath.
Src ->>The servlet APIs source files. Don�t get excited, though; these are only the empty interfaces and abstract classes that should be implemented by any servlet container.
Webapps ->>Contains sample web applications.

 I opened a dos console and go straight to the
and executed the startup.bat
e.g. C:\Implementation\jakarta-tomcat\bin startup
It seems to work here�
5. Then I open the Internet explorer and enter
� it didn�t work. Can someone help me with this� thank you!
24 years ago
I�m having a difficulty in executing the servlets example from tomcat 3.1.
This line works fine in win 98, but not in Win NT. I have the ff. Environment variables: TOMCAT_HOME and JDK_HOME. I have started the server prior to executing this line. Somebody help�
24 years ago