Kavita Ghia

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since Oct 10, 2000
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I could resolve the problem as under:

Is there a better way of copying the webapp files into tomcat? Would appreciate any pointer.

13 years ago

I have the following code in my build.xml file

<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<project name="kavitaexamples" basedir ="." default = "init">
<target name="init">
<delete dir="classes"/>
<mkdir dir="classes"/>
<target name="compile" depends="init">
<javac src="." destdir=".">

I have my hello.java file in the current directory.

The build is successful, however the hello.class file in not created in the current directory. Only classes folder gets deleted & recreated.
Please guide me as to where I am going wrong.
13 years ago
Thanx Lalitha, your code really helped !!!
19 years ago
Thanks for the replies. I thought the same. This question was asked me in the interview and therefore i was wondering whether there were any different views.

I believe using struts might help you to proceed. Struts is the framework based on the MVC pattern. It helps u to have one controller servlet and several models with ofcourse various presentation patterns.Therefore, you can have the CompanyModel,LoginModel with a common controller servlet for the interaction between the bean & the presentation layer.
Hope this helps.
Hello to all the knowlwdgeable people out there.My question to all u people is "Does UML guarantee project success.What are the factors involved in making your project a success??"

Dear All,
Thanks for the spontaneous reply.
Please explain the reason for error
class constant
int x = 10; //compiles
int y;
y=10; //complie error identifier expected
I was playing around with the following code and found the result very surprising.
char e12 = -12; //illegal assigning an int to a char. required char ==> OK
char e12 = (char) -12; //COMPILED
System.out.println("e12=" + e12);
Out of inqusitiveness i changed the values of char to -1, -2, -12, -13. In all the cases the o/p produced was ?.
Please explain why the same o/p for different values of char.
I could successfully deploy the java petstore.But the minute i try to Enter the store i get the following error
The User ID you selected is already in use. Please go back to the previous screen using the 'Back' button on your browser and select a different User ID.
How is this possible bcoz i have just entered the store for the first time after deployment.
Also, how is the cloudscape database deployed.Is there a need to run the script to create tables and fill the data??
Plz. reply ASAP.
Hey Jane,
U are 100% right.My two cents are with u.

22 years ago
I want to run a specific(rename the files that he has accesed on my server)action at both the instances -- either the user logs out or he/she shuts down the browser directly without loggingout.Its no problem whenever the user logs out properly bcoz that time i can run my servlet.However what if the user does not logout and closes the browser directly.
Any suggestions as to when should i run the servlet --
One solution i can think of is i can run the servlet maybe after every 20 mins.But then if i use this method then how do i invoke it every 20 mins.I am using Tomcat v 3.2.
1.Also is it an optimal solution???
2.Will it not increase load on the server-----Renaming few files every 20 mins.???

Is there any better alternative???

Plz. reply ASAP.
Thanking in advance,
22 years ago
These days there is economic depression going on throughout the world.No industry seems to be doing well.Although comparatively software industry is better then the rest.(My observation atleast in India.)
In software also it seems Embedded systems might be the way of future.What will be the role of Java in such a scenario?? Can it do what C/C++ is doing currently?? Can it dominate the market the way C/C++ is??? Any Comments??
22 years ago
Hi Angela,
The answer is :
Brainy and Binary
At school recently, the only the brainy students could solve the Binary equation.
22 years ago