suravarapu sridhar

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since Oct 29, 2002
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Recent posts by suravarapu sridhar

you may want to check the Page check intervals parameter in weblogic.xml
17 years ago
I am not sure what ant script you are using, anycase the error means you dont have weblogic.jar in the classpath.
17 years ago
weblogic keeps compiled jsp's in .wlnotdelete
17 years ago
Couple of suggestions

Stop the weblogic server, delete the folder .wlnotdelete for each server.
Remove the application from your config.xml.

Now start weblogic server, and deploy again from the console, see if you still get the error.
17 years ago
The earlier versions of weblogic didnt have the feature of spitting out the fact that the connections of the connection pool are getting closed because of a timeout and that it was not closed properly from the code.

The current versions tell you that explicitly. enabling JDBC attributes can help get more info on this. But what you need to do is look into your code and in each place you are trying to get a connection, close it explicitly, and also dont forget to add the close statment in the finally blocks.

The OOM need not necessarily be related to the connection leak. you may want to run a profiler to check whats causing the leak. If you are using Jrockit its got a profiler with it.
17 years ago
try adding the jar file to each of the server's classpath and see if this resolves the issue, This is just to nail down the root cause.
17 years ago
Its too basic a question, you will get an answer to this when you do a google search.

webservers are meant to server jsp and servlet

app servers - ejb's

this is like a rudimentary ans, there's a whole lot of things that an app server can do that a webserver.
17 years ago
Check the version of JVM you have used to compile your application, did you compile with the same version as what weblogic server is running on ?
17 years ago
I am guessing the receipt no is the primary key in your database table. which might be an auto increment ?
In your servlet you are storing the data in the DB right. once you are done with that task simple query the DB again for the receipt no.

now that you have the receipt no and the data you can show then in the next JSP.
17 years ago
Couple of things you can do,
Firstly stop the server/s (admin / managed)
delete the contents of .wldonotdelete folder
from your config.xml remove the tag which corresponds to your ear (application tag)
Change the JVM to Jrockit provided by your weblogic installation. you can do this in weblogic81\common\bin\commEnv.cmd "set JAVA_VENDOR=BEA"
start your server, this should start without your application deployed.
now deploy your application from weblogic console.
17 years ago
In order to use the connection pool defined in weblogic you will need to deploy your code on the weblogic server, even if its a simple java code (non web app) you can make is as a weblogic startup class.
17 years ago
The admin server and managed servers run on their own JVM processes.

Only managed servers started using a nodemanager can be stopped by the weblogic admin server.

Node Manager is a Java utility that runs as separate process from WebLogic Server and allows you to perform common operations tasks for a Managed Server, regardless of its location with respect to its Administration Server.
17 years ago
You wouldnt need to have weblogic support for deploying page flow. they eventually are Jsp and Java pages, so look for java/servlet support that should do for you, unless you are talking of EJB, JMS and stuff which is difficult go get cheap..
20 years ago
I forgot to tell u something. in weblogic 6.1 u cant make a cluster of servers running on the same ip. the weblogic instances need to be on different ips.. 7.1 onwards u can run more than one server instance on the same sys..
20 years ago
shut down all instances of weblogic, start the admin server using, open up the console u should see the admin server running and the other 2 managed servers listed but not running,
next start the managed server using
startmanaged server admin url managerservername1
startmanaged server admin url managerservername2
let me know if u still have problems.. dont define too many systems, keep a clean config.xml, open ur config.xml and check the settings if req.
20 years ago