Jerry Selend

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since Oct 30, 2002
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Recent posts by Jerry Selend

Some of my dialogs have the Java logo in the top left. How do I remove the logo?
18 years ago
I have some questions about the component diagram for part 2. One post says the component diagrams can include the servers where the components are deployed. Is this illustrated with a 3d box 'Node' icon?? Is this recommended for the component diagram?
I am trying to decide whether to display the 'MVC framework' in a package with a controller, dispatcher and config file. Is this recommended or getting to fine grained?
I am confused of the interactions between value objects (generated by DAO's) and the business domain objects.
I understand value objects and their use across the web and ejb tiers to reduce network traffic.
Do the business domain objects only exist in the web tier? And do the business domain objects use a value object to get their data? An eample might be useful.
If there is a CustomerVO (value object), is it passed in the constructor to the Customer business domain object? If the Customer business domain object has an array of Address objects, are the address objects create with the CustomerVO data?
Where should the business domain objects get created (with the value object?) data ?
