Carol Enderlin

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since Oct 10, 2000
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Recent posts by Carol Enderlin

Regarding your error, sounds like a new post in the IDE/build forum would be in order with details about the error and what exactly you were doing.
11 years ago
You delete your questions so I delete my answers.
11 years ago
Did you look for a spring perspective in eclipse?
11 years ago
Move the javascript file outside of WEB-INF, files inside WEB-INF are not accessible by URL (such as the script tag).

From the servlet 2.5 spec

A special directory exists within the application hierarchy named “WEB-INF”.
This directory contains all things related to the application that aren’t in the
document root of the application. The WEB-INF node is not part of the public
document tree of the application. No file contained in the WEB-INF directory may
be served directly to a client by the container.
However, the contents of the WEBINF
directory are visible to servlet code using the getResource and getResource-
AsStream method calls on the ServletContext, and may be exposed using the
RequestDispatcher calls.

11 years ago
What is Servlet /TesteWeb? I don't see that in the code/config that you have included in your post.

SEVERE: Servlet /TesteWeb threw load() exception

Is the commons logging jar included?

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(

11 years ago
No you do not need maven experience before doing the tutorial. Only you can decide the priority of your learning. Sorry if my responses do not seem helpful.

No, I do not do consulting work.
11 years ago
I agree with Jayesh. You could focus on building something with Spring without the spring plugin or even without an IDE first.

Did you take a look at the spring Guides and tutorials I linked to? If you haven't used maven before you could start with something like Building java projects with maven or Building java projects with gradle.. Set up the project from scratch.

You may notice that those don't actually use spring, but all the other guides and tutorials on the page use maven or gradle for the builds. So you will be all set up for those.

When I did some of those, the tutorials used spring 3.2.3.RELEASE whereas the guides used 4.0 milestone (sounds like spring 4 is to be released very soon.).

11 years ago
I don't know what eclipse with spring plugin looks like as I just downloaded the Spring Tool Suite.

What did you see before that you are not seeing now? Do you know what "perspective" is currently displaying in your eclipse? In the Spring perspective the title bar of my eclipse window says "Spring - blah blah blah". In the upper right corner of my eclipse a couple different perspectives are displayed and there is an "Open Perspective" icon. Or you can go to the "Window - Open Perspective - Other" and Spring is one of the choices.

If you do not find a Spring perspective after installing Spring plugin and re-starting eclipse, then let's step back a minute. What exactly did you install? Spring Tool Suite from the eclipse marketplace or something else? What version of eclipse are you using?

11 years ago
Have you seen the Spring tutorials and guides on the site?

Spring Guides (and at the bottom tutorials)
11 years ago
That makes sense to have that information on staging type to help find the server of interest if you have a number of them.

I had seen the configuration section previously with the adjustable notifications (when no data received for 2, 5, 20 minutes or never send any alerts). So, after I received a bunch of notifications I went right there to turn it off. As I selected "never send any alerts" I just noticed the staging and recalled that the default seemed to be production. I just wondered if that would affect the notification. So, not really any expectation. Seems fine to have them separate especially since you can see both of those selections at the same time.

Kees Jan Koster wrote:
The staging types were designed to help ordering once you have a few servers. I actually never thought to mix it with notifications. What was your expectation when you looked at the staging?

Kees Jan

11 years ago
My server wasn't running for very long and not much was running on it, but overall it seemed impressive.

I got to see the different reporting information including all the different graphs. I got email notifications when my server went dark. I turned the notifications off since it is just my home laptop, but noticed that there was an option to designate the "staging type" as production, acceptance, testing, development. Do the staging types affect those notifications? I plan to apply more load to my servers to get a better idea of the capabilities.

Here is one of the graphs, from the "http session" tab:

Kees Jan Koster wrote:Dear Carol,

Great. Let us know what you think of Java-monitor.

Kees Jan

11 years ago
Kees Jan,

Hope its not too late for more questions.

Can you tell us about the Kick-start session? Is it a one-on-one session? I googled and found this link for Java-monitor Kick-start.

From the welcome thread :

Winners of this tool promo have a choice between a Java-monitor Kick-start session (normally US$250) or a full year of Java-monitor Platinum for free for 5 JVM's of your choice. And yes, we will be drawing four winners; what a deal.

I did some other poking around and found that the probe is open source. I haven't had a chance to download it and peek at the code. Generally how does the probe work?

I found these links on the open source java-monitor probes :

Google code link for java-monitor-probes
11 years ago
Kees Jan - I'll try that in a few hours. Thanks!
11 years ago