Brian Stelzer

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since Oct 31, 2002
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The binding files in WebSphere Application Server V6.1 can be pretty cryptic( cross referencing between standard J2EE DD and the IBM .xmi files ).

I would suggest not trying to manually edit those files.

You can bind your resources in your J2EE DD to WebSphere's physical resources at application installation time which will automatically generate this binding file for you.


You can download "WebSphere Application Server Toolkit" which is a stripped down version of Rational Application Developer which you can use to develop
your application and create the bindings at development time. If you have a
license for WebSphere Application Server V6.1 then you should have access to the toolkit.

If I missed the intent of your question please let me know as I am not 100% sure I understood the question.
16 years ago
Just for reference, it is the JDK that is shipping the offending libraries and not the server.
16 years ago
You were close with your solution. Instead of modifying the server class loading policy you will want to modify the application's class loading policy.

Enterprise Applications>YOUR_APP->Class loader->Class loader order->Classes loaded with application class loader first.

The above will result in your application libraries getting loaded prior to the servers library( specifically xerces... )

We set up the following IBM website to help with your migration:

I would take a look at the .pdf on the first page. The .pdf contains all known issues( including this issue ).

Hope that helps...
16 years ago
As previously noted this is not going to be a trivial task. I've included a link to the WebSphere Application Server Migration planning website:

This site is a compilation of all Migration articles we found to be useful. I would suggest you first go through .pdf located on the main planning page. The .pdf contains all issues that "we are aware of" for your specific migration scenario.
16 years ago
You can find information in the following Redbook:

There also is a new Migration website at the following URL:

This website is separated by release( to/from ). I would suggest downloading "WebSphereApplicationServerMigration.pdf", which contains all currently known Migration issues.
17 years ago
Check out the following IBM support site:

This site is a collection of WebSphere Application Server migration information organized by version. The site is only 2 months old and we will routinely be updating the site with any new and relevant information that comes to our attention.

Check out the .pdf titled "WebSphereApplicationServerMigration.pdf". The presentation contains all currently known migration issues. We recently added speaker notes to all of the slides.
17 years ago
This can be a little confusing in v6.0. You need to add the port to your virtualhost entry which you already have done. Next look for Channel/Chain section of the adminconsole and add a new Channel and set it to listen on port 80( you can name it whatever you want )...or look for the Chain named default_host( which is currently listening on 9080 ) and change it to listen on port 80. You may need to restart for the changes to take effect( not sure ).
18 years ago
WAS V4 JSPs are incompatible with WAS V5.1.x JSP container, thus you will need to recompile your JSPs...simplified reason for this is that the JSP generated class files are now expected to be org.apache.jsp

Note: If you have any JSPs in located in unnamed packages( ex: import myClass ) these will fail to compile due to a tightened restriction of JDK 1.4.
19 years ago
Correction to my last post, WAS V5.1.x included JDK 1.4
19 years ago
There have been changes in WAS V5.1...the default settings for Classloading and Transaction isolation level
19 years ago
That is correct JDK 1.3( included with WAS V5.1.x ) includes its own version of xerces.jar.

You should be fine if you modify the classloader settings to pick up your Application xerces classes.

In WAS V4.x the default setting of the classloader was essentially PARENT_LAST, and in V5.1.x the default setting is PARENT_FIRST. So if you don't change the V5.1.x from PARENT_FIRST to PARENT_LAST the xerces classes from the JDK will get picked up instead of your Application's xercese classes. It it recommended that you change this setting at the Application level.
19 years ago
I want to programmatically do the above in java, how would I do it:
I enter a webpage in my browser, lets say http://localhost/contextRoot/secureResource
AppServer sees that I'm not authenticated, so it saves off my session, and
redirects me to the login.jsp( FORM based authenication ). Then I type in
username/password and I get the original page. I understand all this, but how does it work programmatically.
This is what I have in my code thus far. I get a URL for the original page, I get the cookie( session information ). It returns back the login.jsp page.
(Stumped at this point.)
What I am trying to do at this point is create a URL
http://localhost/contextRoot/j_security_root, and setting the requestAtrribute( "cookie", "cookie from before" );
But its not returning the right page???
Some ideas or example code as to how to do it would be great.
21 years ago
Base is just a standalone application server, one machine.
ND is basically a management system, that you can do to manage
a whole bunch of Base installs( This allows for clusters... ).
PME are advance items like that you can install( ex: BPEL ).
21 years ago
If you are coming from 4.0AE you need the 4.0AE server up and running. If this isn't the problem, could you send me your trace output.
21 years ago
It would help if you added the WASPreUpgrade output here.
21 years ago