Claudio Malso

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Recent posts by Claudio Malso

Hi all,

it's difficult to find a large solution using J2EE with entity bean. I've found a lot of systems and big companies that choose a alternative solution of persistence, like JDO.

what do you guys think about that ? have you used entity beans in large projects ?

There's not a right answer to your question, but I find a good way to read:
1. A good UML book
( and work a bit in your project :-)
2. A good J2EE book to understand what J2EE is
( and work a bit in your project :-)
3. Blueprints team's book
( and work a bit in your project :-)
4. Core J2EE Patterns
( and work a bit in your project :-)
5. EJB Design Patterns
( and work a bit in your project :-)
After that, just upload your design with your assumptions list!
I just can say that UML spec has notations to design any case. Just read a good UML tutorial and **express** your idea, cos, in the assignment, the important thing is EXPRESS well.
[ April 21, 2003: Message edited by: Roger Oliver ]
yes, you're right.
In read-only operations, choose DAO as pattern.
It's important to understand that EJB is not the correct solution to all the systems. EJB is recommended in cases where:
- Transactions is very important ( in R.O. operations, use DAO )
- Good Security
- High Concurrency
- Good Resource management
Of course, you can get those stuffs writing a lot of code by your hands using CORBA or RMI, but EJB specification came up to help you to development quickly and make your solution portable.
In my point of view, expose entity bean as remote object is a dodgy design :-) Use Session Facade:
And prefer to use local entity beans to avoid network overkill.

Originally posted by Ajith Kallambella:
Any tips on tools for creating the documentation?

I used Rational Rose ( in my point of view, the best one ), RoseGraph to get the pictures of my diagrams and Netscape Composer to assumptions.
My details:
Score: 85
The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70. Class Diagram (44 maximum) ............................... 37 Component Diagram (44 maximum) ........................... 38 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ............. 10
My 2 cents:
Spend a lot of time ( and part of your brain ) in important things like which J2EE Patterns is better to solve some problem, address your design to scalability and flexibility, and keep a updated draft of your design in your wall, waking up all morning with new ideas.
Don't do like me, who spent a lot of time in sequence diagrams :-)
Design a class diagram clean and a component diagram that supports your class diagram. My diagrams were very easy to read.
I'd to thank all guys who make me do it, mainly our bartender Chris Mathews ( take easy with the newbies, ok Chris ? :-)
[ April 17, 2003: Message edited by: Roger Oliver ]
Sorry, Zhu...but I`m not getting info in order to get just a SCEA, but improve my skills for the real situations...
If you design a component diagram for each tier, you can split the deployment effort for differents systems administrators...
Just assignment is ( and will be ) confidencial, but I can think of my approachs and discuss with my you.
"The Service to Worker pattern is the result of combining the View Helper pattern with a dispatcher, in coordination with the Front Controller pattern. "
Sorry Chris, but let me clarify if I`m understanding right...if I use the patterns
- Front Controller
- View Helper
- Dispatcher View
Have I got a Service to Worker ?
Cade's book don't use this approach of tiers, he used one component diagram for each UC...but I think that tier's approach is more correct, cos you need deploy the components.
What is the main difference between these two J2EE patterns ? Can I use just one servlet getting both roles ?
Is a sort of good idea using J2EE Patterns in Part 2 ?
Don't you think that these patterns turn your sequence diagrams not so clear ?
[ February 20, 2003: Message edited by: Roger Oliver ]
Hi guys,
I'm thinking of my assignment for part 2 and I'd like to discuss Value List Handle Pattern.
I've got a high performance non functional requirement and I think VLH will help me cos it caches query results on server side, improves network performance and allows deferring entity bean transactions...but which one is the best approach: turn my facade a SFSB to hold on to the list as its state or store this info in web container as HTTP session attribute...
As you know, HTTP session is not heavy like SFSB is, but if I choose this approach I'll have tight coupling between presentation and business tiers...
Any comments ?

Originally posted by Slava:
- Broecker's SCEA notes
- Nutshell notes of scea_j2ee and scea_prep
I'd appreciate it very much.

Broecker's notes
21 years ago

Originally posted by Slava:
- Broecker's SCEA notes
- Nutshell notes of scea_j2ee and scea_prep
I'd appreciate it very much.

Broecker's notes
I'm thinking what tool can I use in order to publish my assignment of part 2...
Any problems if I use the Web Publisher from Rational Rose ?
Can anyone recommend other tool or way ?