Mohana Mahalingam

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since Jul 29, 2020
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Recent posts by Mohana Mahalingam

Hello Everyone,

Planning to prepare for Java 11 certification.

1) Please provide the latest materials that could be referred along with the practice exams to clear the exam in 1st attempt.

I purchased a complete reference for Java 11 certification 2 yrs back. Will it be useful now?

2)  What is the exam code and where to register?

Mohana M
Hello everyone,

I started preparing for Java 11 upgrade exam (1Z0-817) 2 yrs ago but didn't appear for the exam. I had purchased the Complete Guide book that hot published that time.

Planning to prepare for the exam and take it this year.

1) Do I need to purchase new copy for updated topics?
2) What is the exam applicable for those who have completed scjp6 certification?
3) Preparation links along with enthuware mock exam details
Hello Everyone,

Anyone took the Oracle Java 11 certification recently?

Need syllabus to check.

Hello Everyone,

I have done my SCJP6 certification in 2014.

Which upgrade exam is applicable for me in Java 11?

Please share the book to prepare and also Enthuware links.

Anyone cleared GCP for Java developer recently?
Is it possible to clear the certification by attending 10 days training?
Any suggestions for the preparations please?
I'm completely new to Cloud..
Please reply
What's the latest certification in java webservices?
Any suggestions for the books to follow
Will they cover java microservices and spring boot
Hello everyone,

Can you suggest links or books for java microservices, spring boot and cloud computing ?

I'm looking for an interview
4 years ago
I'm unable to understand the flow of the program..
Can you explain how the answers arrived for labelled break, break,labelled continue and continue statements

1)When I execute the above program, answer is
Value2found at2,0
Can you explain how the value 2,0 is obtained when Break Parent_Loop is replaced with Break statement?

2) When I execute the same with Continue parent_Loop the same answer is obtained. Can we consider break and labelled Continue statements as the same?

3) When the program is executed with Continue statement, the answer is Value found at 2,1.

Please provide explanations how these statements are working
Thanks in advance
Hello Earl

Very big congratulations to you..
I have completed SCJP6 4 yrs ago and with a career break now

For java 11 upgrade exam,  will it be useful if I stick on to the suggested chapters for the exam alone?
Any other practice needed?
4 years ago
In chapter 4 Java 11 book, below code snippet is given :
Public class sample
Public static void main(String args[])
int[][] list ={{1,13},{5,2},{2,2}};
int search=2;
Int positionX =-1;
Int position Y=-1;
for(int i=0; i<llist.length;i++)
for (int j=0, j<list.length;j++)
position X=i;
position Y=j;
Break parent_lopp;
If(positionX==-1|| positionY==-1)
Sop ("value not found );
Sop("Value found at +position X, position Y);

The explanation states for the labelled break output would be 1,1
If it is normal break statement, the value is 2,0

I'm not able to understand how 2,0 is occurring?? Please explain
Also, let me know what will be the answer if the labelled break was replaced by Continue statement
Thanks for your reply Jeanne.
As you have mentioned, I'm taking this upgrade exam after SCJP6 and 4 yrs career break..

Can you clarify the below questions too:

1) Review questions are available after every chapter. Can you suggest some other practice exams chapterwise?

2) Below are the portions mentioned. Will a candidate be able to clear the exam perfectly if they read these chapters and practice with the 4 question papers???

Part1- Chapter 2 - Java building blocks
Chapter 11 - Modules
Java Fundamentals
Generics and collections
Functional programming
Modular applications

For 1Z0-817, I'm using the OCP java11 complete study guide by Jeanne and Scott

Does the exam require to read the complete book?
In part1 only 2 nd 11 chapters are marked as requirement for the exam. How about the new concepts of lambda expression then?

Apart from the review questions, do we have any practice exams for chapter wise?

Reading the book and attempting the practice exams are sufficient to pass the exam?

Please reply to all the questions
Can 1Z0-815 can be taken still?
How about 1Z0-817 then? Can you answer my questions on the post please