Forrest Xu

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since Nov 16, 2002
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Recent posts by Forrest Xu

The problem is solved. Eclipse 3.2 should work together with jboss IDE 2.0.0.
Eclisee 3.1 should work together with jboss IDE 1.5,1.6.
I used Eclipse 3.2 and jboss IDE 1.6, it makes xdoclet can not work properly.
Now it works fine.
Thank you for your help
I will most appreciate it if someone could tell me what I am doing wrong.
I downloaded eclipse 3.2.2 and unzipped it in my favorite location, thereafter I installed jboss-4.2.0.GA.The problem is that
if I right-click a project and select properties --> xdoclet Configuration
I keep getting this error message "The currently displayed page contains
invalid values". I use eclipse 3.2.2, jboss-4.2.0.GA and ubuntu.
Any idea will be most welcome

17 years ago
I got the same problem when I use eclipse 3.2.2, jboss-4.2.0.GA and ubuntu.
Can any one solve the problem?

Thanks, I solved the problem as you mentioned.

another problem is how we can remove 8080 in url?
17 years ago
I have a question to ask. Thank you in advance.

I started a JBoss (jboss-4.2.0.GA) server in ubuntu linux. It works using


But it does not work in

Where is IP address of my computer where the server is started.

What's the problem?

By the way, can I remove 8080 by changing something in configuration file?

Regards and thanks,
17 years ago
i have a question about reference and value.
When we call method in local EJB, the parameters in the object is passed by reference. That means that any change made by the EJB will affect the calling client.
When we call method in remote EJB, the parameters in the object is passed by value. That means that any change made by the EJB will not affect the calling client.
When I want to use remote ejb, how can I get result(This is updated information) form EJB method? It looks like I can not get from parameters. Is it from return value?

It does not enhance anything
20 years ago
I know Sun ONE Application Server (AS) is Sun implementation of J2EE server.
But it seems even no Sun ONE Application Server, use J2EE SDK command
j2ee -verbose
we still can launch an Application Server that support EJB, JSP....
what is their difference?

===Sun ONE Application Server (AS) is Sun implementation of J2EE server.

The same as Tomcat is another implementation of J2EE server.

There are different versions of AS and the free version to download is a cut down version.

20 years ago
I guess J2EE server is a kind of J2ee server used to support EJB,servlet, JSP.... It is launch by command:
j2ee -verbose
j2ee belongs to je22sdk.

Sun ONE Application Server is also a kind of J2ee server used to support EJB,servlet, JSP.... .

What is their difference?
20 years ago
Thanks, Kyle

Do they belong to which version of j2ee? or belong to particular API?
How can I find the document?

20 years ago
When does the first version servlets is released?
When does the first version JSP is released?
20 years ago
I guess I can see it on June 28, next monday after I make 287 test.
Personally, I feel 285 and 286 are quite difficult, as they require you to remember the exact terms of WSAD.

Does this mean that 287 is slightly simple?
Hi, Please help!
I import MyAudio.ear. I followed the procedure given from Howard Kushner's book. see step below:

1. I have installed WSAD5.0 and DB2 8.1.
2. Created a work space and imported MyAudio.ear to that work space.
3. Created a new server project.
4. In server configuration, set server name "test environment 5.0".
5. Set the path for DB2_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH as C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java. The book missed with "\IBM".
6. Added MyAudioDataSource as a datasource name.
7. Added JNDI name "jdbc/AudioDS" for Default DB2 JDBC provider.
8. No combo box for Purge policy in WSAD5.0 although the book shows that it has a combo box. I try both EntirePool and 1.
7. In the resource properties for this JDBC provider, added the databaseName MP3(I also try databaseName example which is defaukt).
8. Then tried to run the MP3facade on this server.

Then the server didn't get published and it gave an error
Publishing Failed:

Connecting to server
IWAD0361E: The data source "jdbc/AudioDS" in the "MP3" bean is not defined in the server configuration. Define the data sources in the server configuration using the server configuration editor and try again.

Publishing failed (0.08s)

I got the same problem with Vidya Ram. Please help me?