Johann Evans

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since Nov 18, 2002
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Thanks guys - I'm going to setup a test case and forward it to JBoss to see if this issue is internal...
Using JBoss

I've tried to search for similar behaviour, but it seems this is a general problem across application servers.

I'm pretty sure one should implement pre-delete behaviour in ejbRemove i.e. checking dependencies and being able to throw an Exception to abort the remove..
Your JSP code is fine - the remove() method is part of the interface - don't implement it!

In other words, you don't need to write any code - drop the remove() method from your Bean class - not needed!
Use the specific interface's remove() method or update the fields using the getters and setters.


ABean - Entity Bean class
A - Remote Interface
AHome - Remote Home interface

A.remove(); - deletes the record
A.setName("abc"); - updates the field

Or use ValueObject pattern for updates...
Thanks, but the problem lies with the EntityBean ejbRemove() - this is almost like an event, that is fired when a client calls the remove method - now calling the remove from a remote interface will invoke ejbRemove, but calling the local interface remove does not invoke ejbRemove and I believe this is why the spec states "remote" interface.

I suppose the best place to encapsulate "pre-delete" behaviour is ejbRemove, but the container does not invoke it when remove() using a local interface?
The EJB spec mentions:

The container invokes the ejbRemove method on an entity bean instance with container-managed persistence in response to a client-invoked remove operation on the entity bean�s remote home or remote interface.

So that means only when using a remote interface, ejbRemove should be invoked - this seems a bit silly though - I am using a local interface using a controller facade - I need the entity bean to perform checks on ejbRemove i.e. referential integrity, but it is not invoked when remove() is called from a local interface? Is this a gap in the EJB spec or am I missing something here?

I need to "wrap" an external entity i.e. a Customer from a CRM system - the system exposes SOAP functionality to perform CRUD operations on its mastered entities.

I would like to create a CMP that is modelled to the CRM Customer structure, then create a resource adapter and make that EJB use the registered datasource / linked RA. Is this possible with CMP?

Currently, I believe you can create a BMP Entity Bean that uses a DAO to connect via a Resource Adapter to an external datasource - this should all work fine (and I believe you should ne able to create relationships from the CMP's to this BMP).

What I am trying to achieve is to be able to model your solution in a single place while referencing cross-domain classes (i.e. located in CRM systems, HR etc.). This will allow you to create your EJB's from the perspective of your solution for instance I will have a Customer EJB that contains specific fields for my billing system as well as a 1-1 relationship to an Account EJB that "wraps" the actual account entity in the CRM system - thus seperating data access from the model.

Any good examples out there on integrating cross-domain applications using such modelling techniques instead of messaging integration?
Depends on your phone... You can use the Nokia Developer Suite to transfer to Nokia phones...
20 years ago
It should not be caused by this, but try grouping your conditional -> ie. ( >= 104727) ? (27763) : (2344)
20 years ago
I don't think there is any secure way to protect your IP - since byte code is completely reversible, even if obfuscated, and obfuscated byte code only needs a bit of work and things become clear again.

What I would however suggest is offloading your sensitive IP to a server (since you are making use of a networked device) and access this by means of service requests and result responses - if you can afford the network comms (which are usually very small) or if the security measure requires such an extent.
20 years ago
I don't think the problem is with J2ME - have you tried on a different MIDP2 platform - maybe that specific platform has a firmware bug... You should try to locate the point of failure i.e. where in the stack the problem lies -> the application? the transport layer? the AMS? the digital layer? the security layer? etc. Try to isolate the problem by eliminating the layers that work - for each one you can do specific tests - start with the most obvious first i.e. if your PC does not start up when press the power button, check the wall socket...

20 years ago
Have you tried sending SMS to that no using your own mobile i.e. manual process...

If so and it still fails -> your telco is definitely the problem -> request them to verify the no. -> they should push an SMS from that no to your own mobile then you can see if the no is padded or altered...
20 years ago
Do a search for AgileMessenger -> supports practically all messaging boards including msn on J2ME...
20 years ago
Is your class file in the right folder i.e. com/mycompany/client/myapp ?
If so, maybe post your jad file and manifest file in the jar...
20 years ago