Mayuri Lakhani

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since Nov 18, 2002
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Recent posts by Mayuri Lakhani

Thanks all!
21 years ago
Hi all,
Today I am back from the weeklong vacation, and came to know that I won this book. Thanks to Bert and Kathy for this contest! Isnt it wonderful that now I will have two copies?
But wait even though I would love to keep two copies of this book on my shelf and everyday take pride to see them, I would like to give this second copy to anybody who needs it, but let Bert and Kathy deceide this.
Hi All,
Yestreday I passed SCJP1.4 with 86%
Yes, I was one of the lucky winners of Kathy's New Book. I planned to read the book atleast once and then take the exam, unfortunately didnt receive it yet. Finally i decieded to take exam without it. I am sure I would have scored more with that. Carl, can you tell me when I will get it?
Thanks to all of you for your kindly and timely help. This is definitely a great place for new learners.
For new SCJP takers, along with Dan's and Marcus Green's exam, do appear for and Khalid Mughal's Exam. Its very good.
Again thanks to everybody here.
21 years ago
Hi Kathy,
Thanks a lot for the wonderful explaination, I wish I could have read your book before my exam.
. I am taking exam tomm.
Hi Jess,
Pl. tell me did I follow Kathy correctly?
J should be eligible for garbage collection after line 3 b'coz its out of scope here.
And K should be eligible for GC after ling 8 i.e. after this method completes its execution.
Thanks all
Hi all,
Can anybody pl. tell me what is required to know about finalize method for the exam and explain in brief? It is keeping me confused.
One more thing related to GC
public class a
public static void main(String abc[])
Object newobject = new object();
/* Now some operations..nothing related to the newobject.
So when newobject becomes eligible for garbage collection??
Immediately after it is created? I dont think this should be the case b'coz at anytime i can need this object. Or it becomes eligible once main is compleated. May be I am missing something very fundamental*/
One more
"Constructors are never SAFE"
S for Static
A for Abstract
F for Final
E - well couldnt find anything suitable for E :roll:
See if this makes Sense
"Parsing Primitives is Valueable in Wrapper class.
Remember all are STrong NFE and Radix are not in FDs!!"
Means ParseXXX method returns Primitive type
ValueofXXX returns wrapper class.
STR stands for Static, String
All methods are staic, take string as a parameter, and throw NFE i.e. NumberFormatException.
Both methods of FDs means Float and Doubles classes do not take radix as a argument.
Anybody can change this to make more redable and memorizable
Hi Dan,
Thank you very much for the response. Yes I did exactly what you said and so I could pass all ur exams with good scores.
But now when trying some other tests, it seems they are more concentrated on Collection class methods. They have questions like which method will change the underlying collection, or which are abstract methods in AbstractCollection interface or which will throw XYZ exception. As I was not prepared for such questions, I scored pretty bad in this section.
As you have taken the exam, I can depend on your opinion.
Thanks for the wonderful exams.
Hello all,
For collection framework, are we expected to do all methods of collection class with their exception list and the access modifiers?
Hi all,
I am confused in what happens when a thread is interrupted while it is sleeping. When does it throw interruptedException() or just set the Interrupted Exception flag ture? I am even confused with setting and clearing of the flag when the isInterrupted() and interrupted() method is called?
Can anybody explain in detail?
Hi Westwindode,
Welcome to JavaRanch!
The args[] in public static void main(String args[]) represents the command line arguments.
These arguments can be passed to a java program from command line. Even if u do not pass any argument it is perfectly valid.
Java Language Specification is the ultimate source for all queries.
And yes Sun requires you to know all above things for the exam.
Just to add one more in your list
yield() method may move a thread from Running state to Ready state.
Did u try Khlid Mughals Questions?
Hi Dan
Thank you very much for the great exams, You are doing a wonderful job.