obaid abbassi

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since Mar 16, 2021
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Recent posts by obaid abbassi

I am using springboot data jpa to save my employee here is my entity class

this is my service class

this is my employee repository

this is my controller class

this is my simple jsp page
2 years ago
So should I change patient to OneToMany and doctor to ManyToOne??
I got the duplicate key problem in db
because patientID is repeating if same patient takes appointment with another doctor
is it caused for OneToOne relation?
I have two entities patient and doctor I want to build relation between patient and doctor


Now I want to get dId in patient table and pId in Doctor table vice versa
is this a valid mapping?
2 years ago
<input type="time" id="time">

<a href="Patient_Booking?time=<script>document.getElementById('time').value</script>"
is it possible to pass time in anchor tag
2 years ago
so how can we convert it in 12hour formate
2 years ago
but input field time am pm is also given on selecting it still no string
2 years ago
i tried with form its working but problem is I got the time like

time is 20:37 without am and pm

How I would no this time is am or pm?
2 years ago
I am getting user input time and date and fetching it in servlet to save in data base but getting null values my logic is

in servlet

how to get values ?
2 years ago
thanks a lot, it worked.

Now please tell me can we use any other technology for frontend with same project instead of index.jsp like react app.js etc please guide me
can spring mvc handle data from react and send it in db like mysql?
2 years ago
Hello I m creating a spring mvc web project using intellijiee IDE and tomcat 9 server every thing going perfect
I m facing problem with my urls

If I put all my jsp files inside WEB_INF->VIEW->index.jsp,about.jsp

on starting my server 404 error is there but if I put index.jsp under Webapp it works perfect

but problem is when I hit url like localhost:8080/about it works because I configure it in controller
but when I hit localhost:8080/ 404 error is found because my index page is not now inside VIEW folder

below all jsps are under WEB_INF->VIEW->about.jsp,help.jsp,contact.jsp but my index is not under it because on starting server I face 404
when I hit /home index.jsp not runs It shows 404 but a little trick works If I put index.jsp inside VIEW as well and webapp folder too then my problem solves
What Should I do?
2 years ago
no reply from experts?
2 years ago
My directory structure is attached
2 years ago
Here is my entity class
2 years ago