Chester Dal

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since Apr 20, 2021
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Java newbie trying to pass the Java SE11 Developer Exam one line of code at a time.
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Recent posts by Chester Dal

"cant" figure out the mistake.
2 years ago

I can figure out the mistake you mentioned however i have encapsulated the data.

How have you got on with writing your code, even if a very basic form of it? And did you work out what my mistake yesterday was?
2 years ago
I have now realised i should used access modifiers on my variables, ideally the private access modifier. In addition to this getters and setters to make sure encapsulation of the data is utilised.

With regards to the main method on its own, I have noticed some books have the main method in the body of just one class along with the rest of the code. Other books have the main class in one file and the rest of the data in another file.

Challenge: find the mistake I made in my advice to you yesterday. I gave you conflicting advice, and something could (should) be changed to make the solution more object‑oriented.
2 years ago
So leave the main method on its own and utilise the other classes accordingly.
All this does help. Thank you.

Tim Holloway wrote:It should be noted that Campbell and I generally differ on the use of setters versus omnibus constructors. However, as this is both the bean and the main class, I, too would tend to favor constructor parameters.

More importantly, we both strongly agree that the primary logic for the app should NOT be in the main method or constructor. I usually have main() construct an instance, and the instance does its work in a method with a name of doIt() or something similarly original.

2 years ago
Thank you all for your comments and feedback. Most appreciated.

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Please avoid quoting the whole of a previous post; that usually adds little to the discussion and is liable to deletion. Only quote the relevant parts please.

2 years ago
Thanks for the feedback; below is a program i made to help with me planning a trip. Its by no means "professional". I have a number of other classes in this package. Its somewhat "untidy" with my naming conventions. I may be on the right track on further down the rabbit hole. Thanks in advance.

Forgot to add my explanations - I added the "import java.time" class to ascertain the local time in the country of Belize plus to also learn brut force how this concept works. I also added single line comments in my code so I am aware of what I was doing. I think i need to delete the class as I believe that was included in error. I used the "extend" to inherit the Central America class and its attributes instead of a lot of recode usage. I assume I used object orientation instead of a procedural code in the code below by creating the objects in the "crossing the border and entry requirements section". The methods created were to make the code more functional in returning the correct output "setters and getters" to get the correct data.

2 years ago
I have been on my java journey for some time now. I currently spend the best part of 3 hours a day reading and coding in Java and covering the material of OCP JAVA SE11 DEVELOPER study guide. I have covered chapters 1 - 8 thus far. In the Wiley Efficient Learning Study Guide, I have scored 100% for Welcome to Java, 95% Java Building Blocks, 80% Operators. I then fall off the cliff at chapter 4 in Making Decisions with 20%, Core Java APIS 16%, Methods and Encapsulation 14%, Class Design at 3%.

I know the easiest answer would be to "study harder" but I am trying to get all the basics correct. Is there something else or another set of books I can read to get all the material to be absorbed in my head. Sometimes I feel I am going down a rabbit hole.
2 years ago
Go to and click sign in.
Scroll down to Hardware and Software, click on Java
Scroll down to Resources then click on Learning, on Learn more icon, click on "get java certified"
You will now have a list of Java Certification Paths - Java EE and Java SE. Click on the relevant exam you would like to take. Click "buy exam".
Make sure you click on the correct "add cart" either the OCI and Technology Exams or the Oracle Cloud Exams (both valid for 6 months).
Add to cart, then view cart and checkout.
You have the option to check out as a guest or sign in.
Add the relevant address and payment details.

Good luck.

joe xavi wrote:Can someone tell me how to book 1Z0-808 exam using oracle website?

Update from Exam Malfunction

Pearson VUE sent me an email and apologised for the inconvenience caused. However they did not explain why the malfunction occurred.

I have received a customer service voucher code valid for just under 365 days from the date of my original exam. I do need to book my new exam before 31 August 2022 and the exam to be taken before 28 Feb 2023.
2 years ago
Hi All

I took the exam (Java Foundation Exam) today (16 August 2022) and midway through my exam, my screen started to become fuzzy. Initially i assumed it was my connection but after a few more minutes, the screen started to flicker even more and the ability to see the questions clearly were unbearable. In the end, I just exited and clicked finish. I was perhaps a third of the way through the exam of the 75 questions. I contacted Pearson Vue who will investigate the matter and may take up to a week.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?

My exam was taken at my home address with a reliable internet connection. I did have to wait over an hour in the queue to actually start my exam. I dont know if there were some underlying issues with the system which led to my screen becoming unreadable. Assuming my screen was a fault of my own, its working perfectly fine now as I type this message.
2 years ago