Alric Rayan

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since Jun 08, 2021
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Hello everyone,

I am modeling the architecture of this exercise on archimate but I am encountering some difficulties, I would like to have your advice please

The hardware used for the cash registers is programmable in Java, the cash register contains a minimalist Unix-like system and is capable of running a Java virtual machine (Java Standard Edition 1.8).
- The program must be written in JAVA and use the APIs supplied with the cash register for ticket printing functions, dialogue with the POS system, control of the cash drawer, etc.) The manufacturer of the cash register is committed to ensuring 100% compatibility of your programs with future models.
- The man-machine interface is realized via SWT
- The cash register does not dialogue directly with the sales and stock management systems, but with an ESB
(Enterprise Service Bus) which then asynchronously enriches the message and delivers it to the right system(s). For this interconnection, technically speaking, the cash register sends a message with the JMS (Java Messaging Service) protocol and then does not deal with it anymore ("fire and forget"). This means that once the JMS message has been delivered, the cashier is not responsible for further processing.
- The activation of refills (mobile, iTunes, etc.) is done by a special message to this ESB (Talend ESB) when the EAN-13 code of these products is scanned. Here again, the activation of the recharge is requested, but no return message gives a report on the execution of this request.
- The sales and stock management system are "in-house" web products developed by the supermarket chain, and based on a JavaEE architecture (WebSphere Server, DB2 database, use of Hibernate and Google Web Toolkit framework)
- For the actions requiring the use of the electronic payment terminal, the cashier uses the "cashier protocol" which dialogues with a simple TCP-IP connection to give the messages below (the cashier does not handle the electronic payment logic directly)
o Cashier to POS: Make a gift card payment of X€ o Cashier to POS: Make a bank card payment of X€ o Cashier to POS: Read loyalty card
o TPE to cashier: Loyalty card ID=<ID of the card
o POS terminal to cashier: Acknowledge gift card payment (OK or KO) o POS terminal to cashier: Acknowledge credit card payment (OK or KO)
- The payment terminal is linked to an authorization and payment collection center as well as a configuration server that remotely configures the Eftpos terminals as soon as they are connected (depending on the serial number preloaded in this server, the fleet and the configuration can be managed centrally)
- The cash register identifies the cashier via an RFID badge, and the manager badge that allows it to be put into service. The cashier then calls an authorization WebService which is responsible for consulting a RADIUS server to authenticate the badge and authorize or not the action.
- This RADIUS server consults information about all employees, their level of entitlement (Cashier, Cashier Line Manager, Management), the validity date of their access to the LDAP
(itself a central component of the identity and access management system).
- The Radius server, the LDAP, all the databases, the WebSphere servers and the ESB are redundant (2 instances
each time, the failover is manual)

2 years ago
Hello Everyone,

I need to design an application to control the temperature of a classroom, using a CL air conditioning device and SA temperature logger, connected to a L1 computer.
The expressed need for the application is:
1. Start and/or stop the air conditioning CL
2. Display the temperature captured by SA
3. Display the instruction given to CL
4. Regulate the temperature so that it is between 2 thresholds TEMPMIN and TEMPMAX

The method ON(nom_clim, inst, ordre) allows, by reading, to obtain the information on the current state of the air conditioning device:
- Inst = 0: device stopped - inst = 1: device running
- order = 0: cooling - order =1: heating

Two methods are available for controlling the system, knowing that the air conditioning is initially stopped in the classroom.

1. The method ON(nom_clim, inst, ordre) controls the air conditioning device CL :

- The first parameter nom_clim gives the name of the air conditioning.
- The second one, the inst instruction on 1 numeric character. The control box allows the air conditioning to be started or stopped. When the instruction is given, ON() compares it with that of the box and performs the update.
✓ inst = 0 : stop air conditioning
✓ inst = 1 : turn on the air conditioning

- The third, the instruction order on 1 numeric character allows to activate the reversibility of the air conditioning device

✓ order = 0 : cooling
✓ order = 1: reheat
2. The method T=read(SA) retrieves the temperature read in the class by the operator. SA is read every five minutes and stored in the variable T

I would like to have your opinion on my flowchart if I meet the requirements of my application.

Thank you in advance.

3 years ago

Junilu Lacar wrote:

Alric Rayan wrote:

Stephan van Hulst wrote:Yes, XML 1 is invalid according to your schema.

exactly can you help me to get both validated. I am stuck on this part

Stephan already gave you his suggestion: make the Date, Comment, and User elements under Reject optional elements.

Google for xml optional elements

Thank you so much, it's work.

Stephan van Hulst wrote:Yes, XML 1 is invalid according to your schema.

exactly can you help me to get both validated. I am stuck on this part
Here are my two XML




sorry I didn't know that you can't edit an old post

Stephan van Hulst wrote:Why yes, you have an empty <Reject/> element in your XML, which doesn't conform to your new schema.

Why have you declared RejectOne and RejectTwo if you're not using them?

It is normal that my xml has an empty reject. I have to validate two xml where one has an "empty reject" and the other one doesn't. I edited my XSD actually I was not using "rejectOne and rejectTwo".  I can't get them to validate .
Hi there!
I'm back again, it took me a little while to redo my xsd. I have redone it but I have an error that I can't fix.

I encounter an error at this level in my xsd

This is the error I get

The content of the element 'Reject' is incomplete. Expected list of possible elements : 'Comment, User, Date'.

Thank you in advance

Paul Clapham wrote:Okay... what makes you think it didn't validate both XMLs?

Because I had an error on the reject element.
I managed to validate my two xml. My second problem is that I want to
define the Actions element of the XML document by creating a complex custom XSD type that can check the Actions element. For example using <xs:complexType name="ActionsType" > I don't know how to set it up
Thank in advance

Alric Rayan wrote:I would like to be able to define the Actions element of the XML document by creating a complex XSD custom type that can check the Actions element of my XML.
But I can't do it.

Sorry I'm a beginner in XML and I have some difficulties.
Here is what I did to validate my xml but it only validates my first xml and not both

Thank in advance

I would like to be able to define the Actions element of the XML document by creating a complex XSD custom type that can check the Actions element of my XML.
But I can't do it.
Hi Everyone !
I am a beginner in XML, I want to know how to define the Actions element of the XML document by creating a complex XSD custom type that can check the Actions element ?
Can you help to validate my both xml with my XSD Schema

Thank in advance.

This is my XML


This is my XSD