This is the junk I get back. Could be a different character set. Is there any way I can set the character set in jdbc? My Oracle NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P1.
I have tried various methods and finally found a couple of solutions to this problem. Please read my blog, to find out everything I tried as it is too much to post here:
I have a question about loading different versions of a library dynamically at runtime.
I have two version of an external C library:
/programs/app_v1 /programs/app_v2
Currently, in my java app startup script I either:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/programs/app_v1 or export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/programs/app_v2
depending on what version of the library I wish to load.
My question is: can I dynamically load app_v1 or app_v2 at runtime based on a user's request? Essentially I would like to be able to switch versions without having to restart my java application.