Bunty Khan

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since Jun 12, 2021
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If you would have known the correct process then the problems wouldn't happened.

How to install Kali Linux with Windows 10 Dual Boot (Laptop & PC)

Generally the Kali Linux Installation is easy. The most common error a user gets in the network section, this is because in laptops and desktops there are different WiFi adapter and use a direct LAN wire.

The second problem is, users can't make the right partitions and gets errors. So my suggestion is to always use a seperate Hard drive for Kali Linux installation and do not go manual. Select the "Guided- use entire disk" option and then select the "all files in one partition" option, it will automatically create the right ext and swap the partition for you.

If you want to install a new HDD or SSD on your PC or Laptop and don't know how to install the hard drive, you can check this article on how to install Kali Linux without loosing Windows 10 and old data. I found this useful because it has multiple options.


3 years ago