Mathews P Srampikal

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since Nov 26, 2002
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Recent posts by Mathews P Srampikal

Dear all,

Anybody knows about JBPM training center in india?

14 years ago
Dear all,

Anybody knows about JBPM training in india?

14 years ago
Hi All

We have a problem with text area. When we select any portion of the text its color and font should be changed as per selection.


This is my text in Bold and text in Bold and underline and this is my text in red and big size. How to achieve this functionality.

Exactly i posted my query here... This will be viewed in different font and color

This is what exactly needed. Please guide us.

Hi All

We have a problem with text area. When we select any portion of the text its color and font should be changed as per selection.


This is my text in Bold and text in Bold and underline and text in italics and this is my text in red and big size. How to achieve this functionality.

Exactly i posted my query here... This will be viewed in different font and color
Hi All,

We are fetching 8 MILLION records (from 18 tables) and creating 8 MILLION xml file. But it is taking very long time. Customer is ready to give 1 day to generate 8 MILLION xml. But after creating 50,000 xml we are getting out of memory error. We tried increasing the heap size, still the same problem exist. Is there any other open source tool or any other way to create xml files faster? Any idea?.

Dear All,

I have created a small web application with html, jsp, javascript. Now i want publish it, mean i want everybody to access the site by typing I will be using my tomcat as web server. I dont want to spend any money for hosting it (No ISPs). How can i do it? What are the procedures for this web hosting? Is there any website doing it free?

15 years ago
Dear All,

I have created a small web application with html, jsp, javascript. Now i want publish it, mean i want everybody to access the site by typing I will be using my tomcat as web server. I dont want to spend any money for hosting it (No ISPs). How can i do it? What are the procedures for this web hosting? Is there any website doing it free?

15 years ago
Dear All,

My question is on platform interdependency and portability of Java programs.

I have written a simple application using Java Swing (say its is a small product) and tested completely. Now i have to install this application in new Linux and new Windows OS. What are all the steps that i need to do for the application to work in new machines?

My questions are:

1. Do i need to change code for Linux and Windows?
2. Do i need to install JVM / JDK / JRE in new machines? If then, Is the JVM / JDK / JRE is different for Linux and Windows?
3. Application has 60 Java files. How do i package the application?
4. I don't want to transfer the source code (.java files) to new machines. Even decompilation should not be allowed. How can i achieve that?


15 years ago

Sever is running and am able to see data in the DB server


I am connecting to My SQL database using the below code. But am getting an exception below.

Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");//works fine
System.out.println("My SQL driver loaded: ");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:mysql://", "root", "root");
System.out.println("Connected to My SQL database........ ");

Exception is >>>>>>>>

com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

Last packet sent to the server was 0 ms ago.

Please help.


do you have a index.jsp in test dir.if not create one and test.

16 years ago

Thank you. i added the port 8080 and it is working now.

16 years ago

I faced the same problem with tomcat earlier version and tried to change the index.jsp more than 10-15 times to see the changes.

So for your web application please follow the following steps.

1. create a new dir <test> under webapps
2. create WEB-INF dir under <test> dir
3. create web.xml (OR copy the web.xml from tomcat-docs\WEB-INF\web.xml) in newly created WEB-INF dir
4. create a index.jsp in <test> dir
5. start tomcat
6. http://localhost:8080/test
7. you will get index.jsp displayed.
8. you are done now....start exploring from here.

16 years ago

I have not disabled the firewall. i am not able to do telnet


it is giving following error :

Connecting To mats...Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failed.

Please tell me is there any tomcat configuration settings to be changed, or any other machine specific confiration problem?

16 years ago