Mellihoney Michael

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since Nov 27, 2002
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Recent posts by Mellihoney Michael

Thanks for your help, now it works.

Thanks for the reply, Tal Nathan.

Here is the detail code.

Client side code:

I tried to startup the server and telnet the port, it is successful. But when I used the client side program to access the port, it is refused.

Could you please check the problem for me? Thanks.
Hi all,

I have implemented simple Client and Server using Java Socket API.

The client socket was created as:

The server socket was created as:

I got a "Connection Refused" Error in the client program. My machine running windows XP professional, serving as both client and server (I started the server first and then run the client program attempting to connect to the server). Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance
[ April 02, 2006: Message edited by: Mellihoney Michael ]
Hi, I am a beginner in EJB. I have implemented and deployed a simple EJB Architecture using WebLogic. But when I run it, there is an error

My PortfolioHome, Remote and Bean class are defined appropriately, I think I need to define a method called retrievePortfolio(java.lang.String) in the PortfolioHome class to match the method used in the PortfolioRemote class. But this doesn't solve the problem, I still get the similar errors.

Could anyone provide me some hints to solve this problem?
Thanks to all guys who helped me in javaranch...

I just went through <Head First Servlet & JSP> twice. Making my own study notes and tried all free mock exams.

I got only 62% in the final mock exam of <Head First Servlet & JSP>. The real exam is relatively easier than the mock exams I took. But what I want to say is Paying attention to any question which SEEMS quite easy. I may lose many points there in the REAL exam. Read every single word and sentence carefully.

Thanks javaranch again to help me a java beginner to pass this exam

[ January 12, 2005: Message edited by: Mellihoney Michael ]
thanks in advance
[ January 06, 2005: Message edited by: Mellihoney Michael ]
congratulations!and happy new year!

i guess next is SCWCD??

20 years ago
you got HD(high distinction), man
Hi, I am preparing the SCWCD exam. Any suggestion for me? I have some experience in this area. I learned Advanced Internet Technology in my university which introduced how to use weblogic to establish the enterprise website. So I have some basic idea about jsp, javabean and servlet even EJB. But i dont know anything in the exam. Is there any book I must read?
In the previous threads, I heard you mentioned HF books. What the full name? How can I get it? Can anyone help me, thanks.
Hi, I am preparing the SCWCD exam. Any suggestion for me? I have some experience in this area. I learned Advanced Internet Technology in my university which introduced how to use weblogic to establish the enterprise website. So I have some basic idea about jsp, javabean and servlet even EJB. But i dont know anything in the exam. Is there any book I must read?
In the previous threads, I heard you mentioned HF books. What the full name? How can I get it? Can anyone help me, thanks.