Campbell Ritchie wrote:Welcome to the Ranch (again).
Don't try to pick subjects and learn them to the exclusion of other topics.
I like all the answers here, but this is my favorite. It's good to have a well-rounded knowledge of programming. I understand you need to move in a priority list. From what I can recall, here's how I started in Android programming.
1. Get an overview of the Android app's architecture, how it's built and how it's patched together. It's made up of components (Activities, Services, BroadcastReceivers, Content Providers). You'll find that these components are classes, but they are so much more than just a compilation unit, the Android runtime treats them more than such. You build an application by creating one or more of these components and then making them talk to each other by sending messages/data (via Intents, which is something you will also need to be very familiar with)
2. Build an app with just one UI (which means 1 Activity class only). In this exercise, you'll discover that Android UI (Activities) are built using two things 1) an XML which describes the UI components and 2) a class that handles app logic and events. Put a TextField and Button View (Views are what Android people call widgets). Learn how to setup OnClickListeners (Listener classes are how Android handles events)
3. Build on your previous exercise (item 2 above) and create a Thread where you will do the processing once the Button is clicked. In here, you'll learn the many ways how Android can delegate processing to background threads (using Java Threads, Runnables, Handlers and Messages, AsyncTask etc). And then, you'll also discover that you cannot change the UI when you're in a background thread. So you'll discover the techniques on how to go back to the UI Thread to make changes to the UI
After all these, you'll still have lots of things to learn, but I hope, like me, it would have given you some confidence to move forward. Lots of Java topics in 3 steps above; Basic OOP, Interfaces, Anonymous classes for event handling, Threads.