shailesh sonavadekar

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since Oct 12, 2000
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Recent posts by shailesh sonavadekar

that is great show trailboss. Paul has really done woderful job in mnaking this site grow from now where to a big & better community of java enthusiasts. offcourse with the great help from all the sherriffs and bartenders.

keep it up sire.
18 years ago
hi there guys. congratulations both the veterans. all the very best. you are doing great service to this community for a long time.
18 years ago
awesome. mind boggling. Jim " The HP " Yingst,. that is great hard work for this community for quite a long time. hats off to you , sire. keep going , sire.
18 years ago
congratulations guys. marky , heartiest congratulations. You are going strong , pal for quite along time .
[ June 23, 2006: Message edited by: shailesh sonavadekar ]
18 years ago
congratulations guys. marky , heartiest. You are going strong , pal.
18 years ago
great job pal. way to go. appricate the great work.
19 years ago
man , u r unstopable. thanks for all the helpful messages , Sir Tom. all the very best for next 1000.
19 years ago
hi there. this is great news. all the very best for next 1000
19 years ago
that is great news , pal. all the very best. a long way to go.

19 years ago

Originally posted by Don Stadler:

Shailesh, one could do much worse than read

this book for probably the most detailed treatment of the gentle science of estimating ever written. It's overkill for a Struts project, though.

[ July 14, 2005: Message edited by: Don Stadler ]

don , thanks for the input. the method in Sir Barry Boehm books are toatally diffrent. they are based on kloc or sloc. so , it is dependent om programming language & customer who is not that technical is not interested in listening technical jargon from you. there FP scores as it is independent of language & you can talk in terms of Functionality of ther software. please correct me if i am wrong.

still , thanks for the input. cocomo is time tested method . there is no second opinion abt. the book & greatness of Sir Barry Boehm for his contributions to Software engineering field.


Originally posted by Linda Rising:
We used to believe that PP took twice as long as working alone. It makes sense. Now there is data from experiments to show that this is not the case. It's true that there can be a learning curve for some pairs, but the interesting result is that there isn't much of an effort penalty and sometimes there is no penalty. What the data shows is that the quality of the solution is greater than it would be for either partner coding alone. Laurie Williams has an excellent book on the subject with lots of data and intriguing stories -- see Pair Programming Illuminated.

hi there , linda. it is really really great seeing you after a long long time on ranch after your pattern almanac book. seems that busy writing new one. all the best.

you are right. there will be learning curve. it is something like who is sitting for coding sees the trees & the person who is seating as other partner is pair behind coder sees forest. sonia, just try it. i feel that you will realize the benefit. some times 1+1 = 11 right ??? if the partner is lateral thinker like de bono ???

with warm regards
[ July 13, 2005: Message edited by: shailesh sonavadekar ]
hi there . in the scenarios , where there is agile methodlogy is used like xp & onsite & offshore model is used for development & both the teams are working simulataneously on the same code & there are lots of mistakes, people working on same code. makiong changes. resulting in code smells or spagehtti code.

is there any way to avoid this ? any process ? what is your esp javaranchers ? how to effectively use CVS on such crucial issue & save imp man hours ?

advice from great proponents of XP like Martin , Scott will greatly appriciated.

with warm regards
Shailesh M. Sonavadekar
hi there , scott. thanks for the input. even though it is a view at 50000 meter , there is any other way for estimating the size of the software , developemtn effort in caledar month , which is independent of language & functionality ? what is your take ? which is the best method ? or there is some improvement over FP ?

the projects involving agile methodologies , what is the best way to estimate to estimate size & effort ? or it should not be done at all ? just go one delivering in increments ?

with warm regards
[ July 13, 2005: Message edited by: shailesh sonavadekar ]
Dear Bill , you have taken tremendous pains to answer even silliest of questions from us. That is stupendous help & herculean effort from your busy schedule. Thanks for all the time for javaranchers. Hope u hang around.
(ps. I am going to bug you on your j2ee antipatterns )

With warm regards
Does eclipse provide any improvement or new facilities for UI development ??? any support for Java server Faces ??

with warm regards