stefan nesic

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Recent posts by stefan nesic

I have tried several things including code below, and i cant get it to work.


in this code it just repeats the number if above 12...

I will work on some other parts of homework that need final touches because this is driving me crazy..
2 years ago
Hello Rob,

I have though about what you were saying, number is either <12 or >12, its just that there is no code that is executed when  >12.
I cant find anywhere in the textbook how to code this..

am i thinking in the right direction if i make a do while loop, with a try catch, using if statements?
if so where?

I have already tried this, but i keep getting bracket problems.

Is anybody kind enough to provide the functioning code (or construction as i call it)??

thanks a lot.

2 years ago
Hello Tim,

I apologize for my initial post.. it was late at night and it was driving me crazy ( new at programming crazy)

Here is the code with a try catch block:

the above adding of while (number>12) doesn't work. It does freeze up the program when >12 is entered.
I have looked online for the solution, as a understand it can work with a if statement, but i couldn't make this function either.
Hopefully someone here has a answer.
If someone does, and has the time, I would also like to know how a try catch work with a for loop.

thanks for any help in advance,

2 years ago
Hello there,

I am following a course in C#, and am having trouble making try catch work with a do while loop.
I have searched the internet for the correct way of doing this, but it all doesn't seem to work.

Here is the code thusfar.

it is a program that shows the multiplication table of a entered number, as long as the number is between 2 and 12.
I am looking for the right code and hopefully an explanation.
( i can make try catch work without do while)

thanks in advance for any help,



2 years ago
Hello Rob,

I have not been able to find a online course that gets you ready for version(?) 11 online, with an exam in the Netherlands.
I have found out that after passing the exam for version 8, there is an upgrade exam you can take.

The additional knowledge you need, is available in a book for self study.

3 years ago
Hello people,

After finishing a short introductory course in Java, i am now learning C#!
i am introducing myself on the C# and .NET subforum, because i might need help later on, as i did with Java.

for those interested, after this i am going  for the Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Java SE8 Programmer I, with another 2 month course leading up to it!

3 years ago
Thank you for your replies (which I partly understand)

The java course I was studying goes over the very basics,

So building a frame, panel. Variables, and loops.

Most of the things you guys explain are more complicated, although when I ran the code, it did show several symbols typed over one another.

I made a different thread on my plans since I finished this java course, and I might add a 6 month java course to it.

I have been diagnosed with severe add, and my ability to learn (is below average.l, time it  takes for me to understand specifically)

I do get it at some point, but days after others.

Must be the lack of concentration.   (Or it being lazy)

I have noticed a significant increase in learning abilities since I started using concerta, so I dare take on ,3 courses the next 6 months

I will keep you guys updated.

Greetings Stefan.
3 years ago
I am making this thread to introduce myself.
I am new to computer programming. I just succesfully
finished a java programming.

I starting a 6 month ( USA equivelant community
College) course in C#  programming.

Because the level of the c# course will be easy for me
( Judging from the expererience studying international business studies at that level some 15 years ago,
And it being. A part time course) I will also be studying a 6 month cyber security course simultaniously.

These three things are in preparation of starting a college education end of summer 2022.
Probably a ICT study.

Sorry to bore you with my life story, but you guys will be seeing me more often in the C# forum, asking for help.


3 years ago
i have no idea what the problem with the last code i posted is.
any clues?

i feel like im in over my head
3 years ago

i meant to post this code but will try the other suggestions
3 years ago
3 years ago
ExBTW is a term frequently used when dealing with total price with VAT deducted.

It is total price minus 21% (of 121%)

It's getting late here (midnight) I will update on progress

Retail prices are vat included, the vat appears on the receipt.

This code is written the correct way, from a dutch retail pov.
3 years ago
It first did. If you are refering to the calculation, I added a edit before you replied.
In reference to coding/"technical type subjects" learning,
I am understanding it more and more (one letter wrong and it doesn't work, I noticed)
3 years ago
It's one of those things to figure out when dealing with a new subject.
Good to be aware of when learning programing.

3 years ago
And remember that €100 with VAT (=BTW) at 21% does not mean €79 without VAT/BTW.

How exactly?

21% of 100 is 79

Edit: it's 21% of 79...
3 years ago