@Junilu brings up some very valuable points—workflows vary because how teams communicate, integrate and test their work vary. Leaving aside the vagaries of each individual team, I'd say that multiple team members should
never work on the same branch. The confusion starts because we think of master, main etc as "special integration" branches—but to me,
ANY branch that "integrates" the work of multiple developers
is an integration branch.
Suppose you and I are working on a big feature—we create a branch off master—call it feat-a You and I then create our own feature branches off feat-a—we work, we create PRs, and merge. Occasionally we merge (or rebase) the master branch into feat-a (our "integration" branch) so we don't fall too behind, and when we are done with our feat, we issue a PR from feat-a into master. Done.
At the end of the day, both need to check-in their respective codes and preferably do a sqaush commit in 'master branch'. We then cherrypick individual squash commits for each feature into a shortlived release branch for a releases.
The problem we face is , when we have multiple MRs (from multiple feature branches ) for same feature, sometimes it gets complicated to do cherry-pick into release branch. It seems easier if all work on same feature branch and submit just one MR when the work is ready to be merged into the master branch.
I wrote a book on Git, and
I am confused about your workflow

. Not to get on a soapbox, but I really don't understand this fascination that developers have grown for squashing, and cherry-picking. To me, those are the two smells in any workflow. In my book, I
mentioned cherry-picking—b/c I feel the minute developers find out about it, there we are—looking at cherry-picking as a viable alternative to a reasonable flow involving merging branches.
Your problem, at least from the way you describe it, does not arise from how you are integrating work into feature (or integration) branches. Your problem arises from your choosing cherry-picking as a way to merge code. Any change you make to a reasonable integration workflow will most likely fail b/c cherry-picking is, IMO, a hack, not a solution.
I have said this in this thread, and I have said it in other threads—the point of an integration branch is much more than "bring work together". Its a way to verify
if the work that just came together
works together (via testing). Its a way to
produce an an artifact that goes from DEV to PROD.
And to further highlight how much I feel thinking through a good workflow is, I am going to quote myself from this thread
The thing to really understand is this—how you branch, integration, tag, and build code in Git affects your entire release engineering process. This is far too often overlooked in many teams. Get the Git workflow right and suddenly the release engineering process comes into sharp focus.
If I were you, I'd ask myself, and the team—what can we do to not using cherry-picking as a way to get code in the release branch? B/c in essence—that's your problem—multiple folks issuing multiple MRs against master, and you aren't sure if you are getting ALL the ones you really want to the release branch. Ergo, your question.
Hope this helps. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.
Update: Edited for formatting