Kevin D. McCallister

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since Mar 19, 2022
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Recent posts by Kevin D. McCallister

Also save it with UTF-8 encoding to avoid format be messed up and backup and then delete the .suo and .csproj.user files before continuing
2 years ago
Do you want to try changing it to:
2 years ago
Hi Jamie,

I'm not sure if your book mentions this (alerts) and if it's even related to the topic or if it's considered a separate one. However, I though I will ask anyway - suppose i am gathering system metrics, for example CPU utilisation and memory utilisation (either via pull or push method), how to best implement the alerting on top to avoid false positives? I find it hard to configure as every server is different and for some 95% utilisation is actually good. Any insight into this subject would be great, thanks.

Best regards,
2 years ago
Thanks for your reply Jamie, it is great
2 years ago

Do you still see the use for old telemetry protocols like SNMPv1/v2/v3 even though we now have better monitoring agents?
2 years ago
Ok thanks @Tim Moores - I'll see if my local library can get a copy
2 years ago
Can you please send us the content of your ?
2 years ago

I have heard a lot about the previous editions of Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition by MIT [Thomas H. Cormen/Charles E. Leiserson/Ronald L. Rivest/Clifford Stein] [ISBN 9780262046305], but it is super expensive (~$140).
Does anyone have it - Is it worth the penny? How does it compare to previous editions?
2 years ago
@Lurentiu, thanks for that - looking forward to read chapters 2-5 from your book
@Himai, this is an interesting tip. Thanks, I will try that
2 years ago
Based upon the discussion and that you created this question in Cloud/Virtualization, I'm assuming you are looking for a LIFO cloud service? An example application implementing the LIFO queue using some AWS components is available at GitHub/aws-samples.
2 years ago
My understanding is, that Spring currently supports only method execution join points (advising the execution of methods on Spring beans)
2 years ago
I second that, Laurentiu's YouTube channel rocks!
2 years ago
Good guide is here.
2 years ago
Spring offers two bean scopes (how the framework manages the object instances):

1. singleton (default) - you always refer to that specific instance directly in it's context
2. prototype - creates a new instance of that type every time you refer to the name

, but it is little confusing to me...

Suppose you have two beans of the same class defined:

And another prototype scoped bean:

Is it possible for the context to inject correct bean automatically when there is NO request available?
e.g. `myBeanRequest` to be injected when getting `MyPrototype` bean in a web context (in controller)
and `myBeanSingleton` to be injected when there is no web context (when run some code e.g. via the Quartz scheduler)
2 years ago
Hi again Laurentiu,

Can we say that CDI could be a replacement for Spring? What's your view on that statement?

Found some opinions here

Thanks for you answer in advance
2 years ago