Hi,Barry Gaunt.
I tried what your say, but it still worked in JRE1.4. I found these register key in my register.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.3.1_04]
"JavaHome"="D:\\Program Files\\JavaSoft\\JRE\\1.3.1_04"
"RuntimeLib"="D:\\Program Files\\JavaSoft\\JRE\\1.3.1_04\\bin\\hotspot\\jvm.dll"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.4]
"JavaHome"="D:\\Program Files\\Java\\j2re1.4.1_01"
"RuntimeLib"="D:\\Program Files\\Java\\j2re1.4.1_01\\bin\\client\\jvm.dll"
The root is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, that means all of my computer's user can use them.
So, I tried to modified the key "CurrentVersion" to "1.3" or "1.3.1_04" but it still worked in JRE 1.4.
Can you tell me an other way for my trouble?