Originally posted by Maulin Vasavada:
hi all,
because any lanuage has overheads of recursion like stacks and believe me i have experienced it...
once i had a program to write in ACM comptetion practice i was doing..i forgot what was the problem but i did it using recursion. one of my friend who was good at math applied some math and did the same problem iteratively.
my program seemed never completing and his program came out in < 15 seconds (which was the limit we had to follow as per the program specification)...
First of all, the data in this table can be Chinese/Japanese/English/Korean encoded.
So when I retrieve the data, I will need to invoke:
String localStr = new String(rs.getBytes(CONTENT_INDEX),"SJIS");
String utf8Str = new String (localStr.getBytes("SJIS"), "UTF8");
where rs is java.sql.ResultSet
Then I will need to store the utf8 String to a new database table.
Since the default encoding is "ISO8859_1" and that I have no idea whether the data is
Chinese/Japanese/English/Korean encoded, how can I make the proper conversion?