Harry Kong

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Originally posted by Mark Herschberg:
Manish makes a good point. Generally speaking, Indian resumes (meaning for people working in India) differ from US resumes. When many H1Bs came to the US, they created resumes similar to what they did back home. Even without names and locations, its pretty easy to spot which resume is which.
For US resumes, people write a few sentences to a paragraph, or maybe some bullet points, for each job.
For Indian resumes, people write a paragraph or two per project at a particular job. They also tend to list the buzzwords used in the project (e.g. EJB, JDBC, RMI, Swing).
Naturally the latter tend to be longer the the former.
(I'm not commenting on which is better, just pointing out differences.)

It sounds like the difference between resume and CV.
21 years ago
Well, I don't have a specific problem per say. I am just trying to set it up and play with it. The problem was that when I was reading the accompanying document for Connector/J it was a little vague and didn't tell me much.
Thanks for the link, Mike!
22 years ago
Anyone tried MySQL?
22 years ago
Sure I'll give it a try. I just downloaded it and it is only 1.3mb
22 years ago
I am trying to setup a database for my servlet applications. Right now I am trying to set up MySQL, but it seems that it is quite cumbersome to set up. Is there any other free database I can set easily? Also, I am using Tomcat for my servlet container how would I go about connecting my app and the database? This is all under win 2000. Thanks for your help.
22 years ago
Thanks everyone! Especially to Sam Kebab. I've been doing it backwords - servlet first and web module, and also have been deleting automatically mounted c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\rootKong:/WEB-INF/classes thinking that it is junk that just gets produced by netBean. Thanks again!
I am trying to do simple servlets, very simple things like "HelloWorld" using netBeans. I just don't seem to be able to do this right. Can someone walk me through this? Thanks.

Originally posted by Prakash Dwivedi:
I once came across an ad(about an year ago), which was asking for a developer having 7 yrs exp in C#.

Seriously though, it is really getting ridiculous what the empoyers are asking. I have clicked through a few ads and what they are asking is quite impossible. Seems like they are looking for experts in every requirment that they list.
[ January 22, 2003: Message edited by: Harry Kong ]
22 years ago
But, I wonder this would be true for web enterprise development.
22 years ago
Somewhat depressing, but great article.
22 years ago
I am looking for a job in this area also. It seems that everybody wants financial background unless you are looking at more well known firms such as Bloomberg, Lehman Brothers etc. These companies offer 6 to 8 week training on both IT and financial aspects.
I also have seen firms asking GRE or SAT scores (specifically the quantitative section) and Ivy League education.
I am getting depressed day by day.
22 years ago
Mike, that worked! Thanks!!!
I am soooo happy!!
22 years ago
Classpath is correct. That's where servlet.jar is.
22 years ago
Hmm, no that didn't work either. Arrrgh, this is very frustrating. This should be a simple task.
22 years ago