You could use a JList as suggest before and use your own list cell renderer for your images. Your renderer could look like this, assuming that your values are ImageIcons.
A bound property fires a PropertyChangeEvent when the property's value changes and hence informs listeners about changes. A constraint property fires a VetoableChangeEvent and next to informing also allows the listener to veto the change.
There is a quite good video tutorial about installing Android plug-ins to Eclipse from Scott Stanchfield, but you can retrieve general information about plug-in installation.
Implement the setValueAt() method in your table model. In setValueAt() fire a property change to inform listeners on changes. In the listener class update your database with new values.
setValueAt() in your table model
Listen on changes in your listener class and update the database
I assume you retrieve data from a database and want to display the data in a JTable. If so forward the data to your table model and invoke fireTableDataChanged(). The old data will be cleared and replaced by the new data.
Use Java2D to do graphics. You have to create your chart model and than draw the bars in a panel with Graphics2D. There is quite good tutorial at the Java Tutorial site. You could also look at SwingX, they have extensions for Swing also charts.
So in the above persistence.xml version databaseserver:9002 is the database server accessible within the LAN. If I am traveling (with my notebook PC) and I want to access the database I have to change databaseserver:9002 to something like This I would like to do with starting up a preferences dialog where I can change the database server address without re-compiling and re-JARing.