Graeme Brown

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since Oct 13, 2000
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Recent posts by Graeme Brown

How many people here have had to sort a box of punch-cards after dropping them?
21 years ago
The client wants a puppy, or maybe a kitten. Then changes his mind to baby.
Then wonders why what is finally delivered can't pull his plough.
21 years ago
LinkedHashMap, available in JDK1.4, does what you want
22 years ago
Start with Microsoft Technet and search for "showmbrs", or a simple google search might be just as good.
22 years ago
From the command line you can use the java -D switch to set system properties.
22 years ago
I think you will have to stick with 'exec'ing W2K utilities to achieve this.
There is a resource kit utility "showmbrs" that will do what you want. But you will have to parse the output. Also remember that groups may have other groups as members so you may have to write a recursive solution.
Sounds like a painful task.
22 years ago
Session scope is for data related to a particular client session, for example a Shopping Basket.
Application scope is for data that can be shared between clients.

Originally posted by dajac chison:
Which way is better ? Which way faster and need less "memory"?

That is not important. The logic is different between the two ways.
In #1 way the second method will not be called if the first method throws an IOException.
However in your #2 way the second method will be called whether or not the first method threw an Exception.
You need to decide what behaviour you want. For example if you want to open and read from a file, there is no point in calling read if the open threw a FileNotFoundException so #1 would be appropriate. In other situations #2 would be better.
Your English is quite understandable, no need to be sorry.
22 years ago
Your code, package and directory structure are fine. My guess is you do not have the current directory in your CLASSPATH. Try adding it then recompile.
22 years ago
Where are you putting the file ""?
Your code will look in the current directory, which I guess in NT is System32. Try fully qualifying your filename, or use getSystemResourceAsStream()
22 years ago
The performance differences, if any, are insignificant and will vary between versions of compiler and JVM.
Think more about whether your code will be easier to read, understand, and maintain.
22 years ago
I have noticed a lot of discussions in this forum about whether Weblogic or Websphere or iPlanet certifications are better. This has prompted to think about how well the goal of JCert is being achieved:- "certified once ,recognized everywhere".
To the people who have more than one JCert certification, how do the exams compare? Is an IBM Level3 cert really equal to a BEA Level3 Cert, and how do both of the compare to Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

But Is test 487 also a part of Jcert

No it is not. To certify on websphere (JCert Level 3) you must first have passed a JCert level 2 certification. The current IBM exams for this are 486 (OOAD+UML) and 283 (VisualAge)
The 487 exam gets you IBM Certified Professional, but is not part of JCert level 2 Solution Developer Certification
Yup, I agree
Paul Wheaton already suggested this in this thread.
I have started compiling the links, but real work is getting in the way, hopefully have it done this weekend.

Originally posted by Axel Janssen:

How important is VAJ for the test?

A requirement to get Websphere Enterprise Developer cert (JCert Level 3) is to have already passed Solution Developer cert (JCert Level 2).
If you want to go the IBM route then passing test 283 - VisualAge is necessary. Of course any Jcert level 2 certification will do, so you can get level 2 from another manufacturer then go for Websphere. Or you can wait for WSAD certification, but no sign of a release date for that yet.