Steven Broadbent

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 10, 2002
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Recent posts by Steven Broadbent

If I need to do a full reinstall of windows etc, can I save my YM archive in any way...I think it is stored in .dat files...are there any other applications that can read .dat files?

thx in advance...
20 years ago
I had extra ram put in my laptop but it does not show under the sytem option in the windows control panel...Is there anyway I can see the total ram?

Also when using a discussion forum the memory usage goes up to 40 k just for a plain text forum in IE - is this normal as the memory usage seems to creep up and up..

Finally are there any idiots tutorials on how to read the data on memory usage and ram in Task manager?

Thanks in advance....
20 years ago
Is there a way to record a ra video feed into say quick time or something?

Not an area I know anything about.
20 years ago
thx - first time I've ever asked!
20 years ago
So many Americans from small towns we'll never know saw Europe for the first and only time from a landing craft. So many never even made it ashore.

We need to remember them at least once in our own selfish and comparatively comfy lives.

My Grandfather made it back from France and lived to see his great grand-daughter ( my daughter). Others of many nationalities did not.
20 years ago
The battle of Britain was the moment when the war could have been lost. D Day was a critical point in the other sense.
20 years ago
My religious instruction teacher was at Arnhem.

A different generation, puts our day to day problems in perspective.
20 years ago
Soon the 60th anniversary. Probably a last reunion for many of the veterans, a chance to remember all the allied soldiers who died, including a huge number of Americans who had never left the US before.

It has been described as probably one of the most important days in recent history.

They died to preserve freedom and democracy in Europe, something we at times take for granted.

Hope some of you will take a moment to remember them.

: Back to MD
20 years ago
Sometime this year the predictions go. I hate to sound like a Daily Mail why oh why editorial but this has all taken too long.

I believe the French and Italians had similar problems and responded with very rapid deportations. Why couldn't we do it here?

I lived in Italy and I am sure that if I had advocated the violent overthrow of the italian state I would have quickly got a one way ticket to london with a carabinieri escort and free leg-irons thrown in!

We seem to be suffering from liberal-sclerosis if there is such a term.

(Breathes out noisily, feeling much relieved after a rant)
20 years ago
I stopped listening a long time ago, but a few months silence from him will be more than welcome.
20 years ago
Fantastic news, at last we won't have to listen to this idiot any more.
20 years ago
If that's your thing yes - better than a bunch of big girls dressed in matresses!
20 years ago
That would be a problem - you see football is a world sport, american football isn't. Football is also easier on the eye and more aesthetic.

But I'd like to see more aussie rules football - it was on in the uk for a while and was great viewing!
20 years ago
Thanks, I will look at those.