Usha Shah

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since Dec 11, 2002
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Recent posts by Usha Shah

Isn't the SCEA 5 exam released already? I thought i saw it on the website

Can you recommend the best place to start for part 1?
hi all

I saw the link for the books recommended by Sun for the new certification. Is there a standard study guide that I can use to prepare for this exam? And any mock exams yet ?

Usha Shah
I am not sure which code is causing it but the Servlet throws this error
The page which caused this error has some database calls and session.getAttribute and setAttribute calls
21 years ago
Hi All
Has anyone ever got this exception ?
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Context has not been prepared for next connection
21 years ago
Hi All
We are getting the following exception in Websphere ... has anyone seen this before ?
Session Object Internals:
hashCode : 1892489167
create time : Fri Feb 28 11:53:32 EST 2003
last access : Fri Feb 28 12:02:20 EST 2003
max inactive interval : 1800
user name : anonymous
valid session : false
new session : false
session active : false
overflowed : false
session application parameters :
session tracking epm app data :
enable epm : true
non-serializable app specific session data : {EOEWorkFlow=com.ibx.eoe.workflow.WFAccessor@a8a397c9}
serializable app specific session data : {Subscriber1=com.ibx.eoe.dal.databeans.Subscriber@5b8017cf, grnds_web_conversation_eoe_forward.scope=org.grnds.structural.web.GrndsScope@1063426015( ), SIDBean=com.ibx.eoe.dal.databeans.SessionInitBean@693c17c8, Dependent1=com.ibx.eoe.dal.databeans.Dependent@a3f317cc, grnds_web_conversation_security_Security=com.ibx.eoe.conversations.SecurityConversation@1666553807( ), grnds_web_conversation_eoe_dataentry=com.ibx.eoe.conversations.DataEntryConversation@1468012490( ), grnds_web_conversation_eoe_dataentry.scope=org.grnds.structural.web.GrndsScope@566466506( ), grnds_web_conversation_eoe_forward=com.ibx.eoe.conversations.ForwardConversation@-539355169( ), EOEWorkItem=com.ibx.eoe.dal.databeans.EOEWorkItem@c81a97c7, grnds_web_conversation_security_Security.scope=org.grnds.structural.web.GrndsScope@1667176399( )}
session data list : Session Data List -> id : MRU next : null prev : null

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21 years ago
Hi friends
Thanks for the responses, but i got the problem with the code
The JSP 1 was using member variables i.e. all the variables used in JSP1 were declared like this
<%! int i = 0 %>
and thats why their values were getting mixed when we were having multiple users accessing the site
thanks for the help once again !!
22 years ago
I have a JSP 1 which includes JSP 2 using the following tags
<%@include file="file2.jsp" %>
There are some local variables in JSP1 which i am trying to access after the jsp 2 inclusion but getting different values when multiple users login
Please can someone throw light on why this is happening ?
22 years ago
Is it possible to monitor when Websphere perform Serialisation ?
Can someone direct me to some links on how websphere performs serialization ?
22 years ago
How can we measure the time taken by a JSP to load, i mean a JSP has server side as well as client side code
so how can i get the total time for the page ?
22 years ago
I am getting the below exception in my JSP when trying to run it on Websphere and my JSP doesnt get printed on the browser
javax.servlet.ServletException: non-HTTP request or response
Please can some one guide me on the same
Usha Shah
22 years ago