Lin Feng

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Can you use PARAM to populate the dropdown list of that applet? If it works , the PARAM values can be populated in a JSP page.


18 years ago

You can set the JNDI name of the EJB on the property palette. the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml will be updated automatically when it is compiled. Acutally it is using a doclet embedded in the source code to specify the JNDI name.

18 years ago
Do you have any filters or something else that creates session?

18 years ago
Can you set username/password when you create the Context?



I do not have a step by step prodecure for you. Basically you will do two things
1) Put the necessary classes such as Remote interface , Home interface to the class path of Tomcat
2) Point your Context to the weblogic server.

Hope this help

[ September 11, 2006: Message edited by: Lin Feng ]

In EJB, how can I access a global cache to read and write data, the cache can access by different ejb instances

Sorry that I have not got your question. You have already metioned some possible solutions. It sounds like that you have some troubles when you tested them. In theory they should work. Could you please post some detail information about the errors you got for the startup class binding a hashmap to the JNDI? Then I will have a better understanding on the context. By the way you may also use a stateless session bean to do it.


18 years ago
Could you please elaborate it ? What do you mean by you could not modify the value in EJB. What kind of exceptions did you get.


18 years ago
I do not think it is a JNDI issue.

Weblogic supports cluster on both home and bean level. Usually JNDI only have trouble with the home level except the bean interface is put on JNDI directory ...

From the log we can see at least the bean stub knows bean is a clusterable bean. It may log an exception when it tries to send a new request because RMI connection is closed quickly. After it find the primary server is not available , it should failover to the second one.

From description what I read is the failover did not happen ...


[ August 30, 2006: Message edited by: Lin Feng ]
[ August 30, 2006: Message edited by: Lin Feng ]
18 years ago
Two solutions
1) As you said , use local interface
2) turn the enable-call-by-reference on in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml for that bean. By default it is false.

18 years ago
Per my understanding, page flow is a bunch of related pages and actions for a certain business logic.

I am wondering why you have the requirement of jumping from one page flow to another. Or you mean communication?


18 years ago
using jdk 1.4 above

import javax.xml.parsers ;
public class XmlValidator
public static void main (String args[])
// suppose the argument passing the file name

DocumentBuilderFactory factory ;
DocumentBuilder builder;
factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
builder.parse(new File(args[0]);
catch(Exception ex)
System.out.println("Something wrong");

18 years ago
I remember that you can do it in WSAD.

Do I have a bad memory?


18 years ago
I think you can follow any xml parser samples to do it.

18 years ago

There should be no difference between these 2 cases. When we talk about the TCP layer to a server , there is no difference for the connection either it is from a proxy or it is from the client directly. It is only a connection.

Only in your code you may need to know the exact client address.

The reason Apache/Tomcat can support SO_KEEPALIVE is the tomcat should set the SO_KEEPALIVE when the connection was built.

[ August 23, 2006: Message edited by: Lin Feng ]
18 years ago