Rajan Thiyagarajan

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since Dec 12, 2002
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Recent posts by Rajan Thiyagarajan

Congrats ! 83% is a good score !!!

19 years ago
Congrats !!

You should get your certificate in next two weeks (certainly it also depends on where you are located)...

19 years ago
Congrats !! Good Score !!

19 years ago
Congratulations ! Great score !!!

19 years ago
I cleared SCJP with 88% last week. Only read Kathy Sierra book (atleast 2 times) and it is more than sufficient to get a good percentage. Took Marcus Green mock tests and few others. I also tried running the sample examples avaialable in Kathy Sierra Book and Marcus Green.

One Question - Does SCJP 1.4 has an expiry date?

[ February 03, 2006: Message edited by: Rajan Thiyagarajan ]
19 years ago
I have successfully passed the IBM 812 - IBM Certified for e-business - Solution Technologist examination. It was not very tough. Reading red books will certainly help the person clear the exam.
A bit of practical ebiz experience will surely help. Thorough knowledge of each and every IBM ebiz product is necessary. Questions roamed around selecting appropriate technology based on a given case.
30% of questions were extremely simple.
Congrats Adam.
Can you please share the nature of the IBM 815 exam and type of questions asked.
I am preparing for the IBM 812. I just have got the redbooks. But would appreciate any help and suggestsions.
We are developing a Knowedge management system(KMS). Instead of HTML, we thought of going for XML with XSL. We have lot of XML documents and we need to have search capability in our KMS. How to search XML documents and How to pull/display that particular portion of the XML document . Do we have any algorithm or tool already available somewhere. Anybody please help.
Yeah ! I meant to insert an image file(.jpeg,.gif etc) into an existing XML document.
Is there a way to insert a JPEG file into an XML document. The situation is that, I don't have a stylesheet(XSL or CSS).
I could insert a JPEG or GIF with the help of XSL, like
This is the XML part.
<image-clear1 src="C:\india.gif" width="155" height="40"/>
This is the XSL part.
<xsl:template match="image">
<xsl:attribute name="src"><xsl:value-of select="image-clear1/@src"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="width"><xsl:value-of select="image-clear1/@width"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="image-clear1/@height"/></xsl:attribute>
Any suggestions.
Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I have not looked into the suggested tools/websites. Will let you know the results afterwards.
I tried with XML Spy. It has a facility to take a Word document as input and convert it to an XML document. The problem being, the converted XML is not WELL FORMED always.
I am interested in a tool which will convert based on the XSD I have. Bit tough, but somewhere there should be one. The search continues.
[ September 18, 2003: Message edited by: Rajan Thiyagarajan ]
I need to convert a word document(which follows a standard template) into an XML document. Right now I am doing it manually by inserting the defined set of XML tags. Is there a way to automate this process of inserting XML tags based on the WORD template. Is there any tool available in market. Or we need to write a program(like in C or C#) to accomplish this. Any suggestion, welcome.
I have a general XSL which will be used to all XML documents(converted from word). Our final aim is to come up with a knowledge management system, with search capabilities, discussion forums etc.
Congratulations Michael ........