Sailee Gawande

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since Oct 05, 2022
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That's so interesting that it won't open. I took 808 before they changed the pattern and after they changed the pattern. I failed the first exam but the second time I scored 92%. The syllabus is the same. Only the number of questions, passing score, and time have changed.
I took this exam after they made the changes. You can no longer take this exam through Pearson or anything like that. It is offered only through Oracle and only online. No in-person.
The English version of 1Z0-808 is not available on PearsonVUE. I can only register through Oracle. After I paid for the exam, I received an email. I activated my account using the license number provided in the email, searched for the exam, and tried to register for it but the only way this exam is provided is through an online proctor (I did not schedule mine yet). You choose the day and time from the available appointments (they have weird time slots like 6 AM, 11 PM, etc.), agree to the terms and conditions, and register for the exam. They have provided different helpful videos to setup your computer, what to expect on the day of the exam, etc. on the FAQ page.

I recently bought the voucher according to all the above instructions.  I am wanting to write the 1Z0-808 exam. On PearsonVUE English version of this exam is not available. I can only write this exam through oracle and that too only through online proctor. I knew that writing material is not allowed for online proctors but looks like they are also not providing any notepad or anything of that sort to use during the exam (I asked this to the oracle representative on live chat and he said no notepad and asked me to raise a ticket). I raised a ticket to confirm this information and get more information but that is what it looks like so far. I did not schedule the exam yet but hoping I will get all the information I need before I can schedule it.

If anyone has taken this or a related exam could you please confirm the information about the notepad? I always used pen and paper to draw objects, solve loop problems, etc. so thinking of writing this exam without any of that is posing a big hindrance to me. Let me know your views/experiences.