Radhika Gokhale

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Recent posts by Radhika Gokhale


If we have more than one security constraints matching for a url pattern then the rules are follows:

1. Union of individual constraints is taken.
2. If one of the constraints is a "*" then all the roles have access to the given methods.
3. If we have one empty auth constraint then none of the roles will have access to the given method.

In your question since you have an empty auth-constraint in the second one hence none of the roles will have access to the given methods.


I scored 72% in the Javaranch mock exam. I am in the process of reading HFSJ , have read first 9 chapters. Have read 80% of the Servlet specs once and have 1.5 years of J2EE exp. Please let me know if this score is ok wrt the real exam. Is the Javaranch mock exam easier or similar to the real exam. Does Javaranch has only one mock exam or do they have more. I solved this one http://www.javaranch.com/carl/scwcd/scwcd_mock_logo.jsp

Your replies will give me a direction to study hard so thanks for the same.

Hi Mani,

As per the Servlet specs if a Servlet implements SingleThreadModel then the servler container may instantiate multiple instances to handle heavy request load.

So if a Servlet does not implement SingleThreadModel then there will be one instance per servlet declaration in DD but there will be multiple threads accessing this single instance . If a servlet implements SingleThreadModel then there may be more than one instances of the servlet as per container's wish but each instance can be accessed by one and only one thread at a time.

I believe this understnading is correct. Please let me know if I am missing out some point here.

Hi Niranjan,

You need to add the jars which are required for your servlet compilation to your eclipse project by selecting Project->Properties->Java Build Path-> Add jars or Add External Jars.

This works for me.


I have readh Servlet specs once and reading HFSJ. Want to know if it is a must to read JSP specs also to get good score. Somehow I am feeling very bored while reading the JSP spec. Please advise. Doesn anyone have any notes on JSP Specs which I can use intead of going through the boring compelte spec pdf.

So does this mean that the order in which exceptions are handled is container specific

Hi Veena,

It is clearly explained in HFSJ.
Request.getSession() with return you either the existing session if a match is found with the passed sessionid or will create a new session and set the JSESSIONID cookie.

Request.getSession(false) will only return a session if it finds a match for the passed session id. If it does not find any match then it will return a null as in it will never create a new session for you.

Request.getSession(true) will behave exactly the same as Request.getSession().

Hi narender,

I didn't get it. Why will
String dbg = context.getinitParameter(Servlet1_XML_Param.DEBUG);

return null? Please clarify.


The Servlet spec on Page 56 explains with examples on the filter patterns and RequestDispatcher behaviour. One of the example is as follows:

<filter-name> Logging Filter </filter-name>
<servlet-name> ProductServlet </servlet-name>
<dispatcher>INCLUDE </dispatcher>

would result in the Logging filter not being invoked by client requests to the ProductServlet, nor underneath a request dispatcher forward() call to the ProductServlet, but would be invoked underneath a request dispatcher include() call where the request dispatcher has a name commencing ProductServlet.

Now my question is why will the Logging Filter not being invoked by client requests to ProductServlet.

Please clarify. Also I have not used Filters in actual programming and want to know how many questions should I expect on it.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks Mat. Indeed the ISBN numbers are same.

So far I think Amazon is giving the least price for the book ie 30$
Is there any other place where I can get this for even less than this.


I came across two books for SCWCD by Kathy in Head First series.

1. Head first SCWCD at Amazoon

2. head First JSP and Servlets at orielly

Please advise which is the one that ranchers recoomend and refer to as HSFJ. Are these two books the same with different covers?

Please let me know this info asap so that I can order it and start my prep.


BTW how do u access Javaranch Mock exam for SCWCD. I mean can u please share the link.


same here. I also couldn't see any pdf file.

Hi Friends,

Javaranch helped me a lot in preparing for SCJP . Now I am planning to start my preperation for SCBCD.

Please guide me in which books to use and how to prepare for the exam to score good.

Thanks in advance.

Hi All,

first of all sorry for replying a bit late but I was a bit busy at my office.

anyways regarding 4+ yrs of .net exp what I mant actually was that he has total 4+ yrs of exp and currently working on .net. Total 1 - 1.5 yrs in .net
I hope now this clarifies your doubt.

regarding Tina's advise I too agree that we don't want to take a risk of leaving our jobs and simply landing up there. Why I have posted this question in this forum is becoz of this only. I see many job postings in the Jobs openings forum but whenever we mail them there is not much reply back. So wanted to know if there is any way by which we can apply to openings there, clear a telephonic round from here and have some assured thing in hand atleast for one of us.

I need suggestions in this regard....

20 years ago