Ashok Mash

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since Oct 13, 2000
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Recent posts by Ashok Mash

I can't believe people take movies so seriously! Its a commercial project, a film produced with the intention of making money. It was particularly enjoyable, reasonably shocking and thought provoking and also rather timely since the world has a lot of feelings towards Mumbai and its people after what they went thru recently (terrorists attacks). Do not expect it to change the fortunes of the slum people over night, or don't expect it to ruin everything for rest of India either.

Its just a film!
15 years ago
How short are we talking about here?

Very short term goal: Finish what I am working on tomorrow EOD!
Very Very Short Term goal: Go and get a cup of tea!
16 years ago
Just rain here... freezing cold rain..! (
16 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:Posts like this tell us that that work has already begun.

Yep, I agree, from what I can see around me, general attitude towards America has improved dramatically. If you go to the pubs around here and speak loudly in American accent, you will get slagged off for being loud and American, but this time they probably would also love you for selecting Obama.

For me personally, he seems to speaking sense, picking the right people for his team, and making the right moves so far - science and peace first in his list, and he even acknowledged non-believers in his inaugural speech! That man is educated, rational, capable and will be a good President!

I wish he could also do miracles!
16 years ago
I know we are not supposed to discuss politics etc here, but can I just have to express My heartfelt congratulations to American ranchers for their brand new President, and thank you for electing him!
16 years ago
Apologies for not being nice - I have to say I not a huge fan of that exact poem, can't agree with the words somehow - but I loved what you are saying there, very original, and very refreshing! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed it!
16 years ago

Originally posted by John Smith:

Massive unemployment. Food shortages. Sharp spike in crime. Exodus from the big cities.

Finally, the time has come for the true hero!

16 years ago
Yeah, politics.. does anyone know who let the dogs out, who, who, who...?
16 years ago
The above event, while the courage of the boy's parents have to be applauded, the whole event is wrong in more ways than I can imagine! Talk about emotions clouding wisdom..! But, its off-topic, so I am not going to go into it..!
16 years ago
Unless you are terribly important person, life goes on normal for everyone else..! And for yourself, well, not a lot I suppose. No Javaranch anyway!
16 years ago

Originally posted by Arjun Shastry:
Its difficult to enforce.Imagine this with crossing the railway track.Its illegal but still thousands cross each day on many stations.Railway officials don't care as they know lawbreaker himself is going to be hurt and die!.

Hardly fair to compare lack of footbridges or control of housing by the tracks that takes a lot more time and resources to an annoying habit of some people that they brought upon themselves out of their own choice.

Agree with you that its very difficult to enforce, and even when enforced people will find their own definitions to public places, and whats allowed and whats not etc. However, for those want to protest, now has some support from the law, even if that doesn't mean much in certain parts of the country.
[ October 03, 2008: Message edited by: Ashok Mash ]
16 years ago
Cats, Dogs (well, same dog twice, and another dog), Snakes (twice, poisonless rattlesnakes both times), ants of various types (red tree-ant being the most frequent culprit), and a cow (tried to bite of few of my fingers while I was feeding the cow..)..!!
16 years ago

Originally posted by Mike Simmons:
Ashok and Arvind seemed to think that maybe EFH did not think that the man was trying to keep his kid dry. So now EFH is wondering what they thought he meant, since it seems obvious the guy was trying to keep the kid dry. The murderer comment was just a guess as to what Ashok and Arvind might have thought EFH thought, since they apparently didn't think EFH thought what EFH said he thought. I think.

I wasn't suggesting EFH didn't think the man was trying to keep his child dry. I think that's clear as day to anyone. To be honest, carrying a child like that is pretty stupid, and probably more dangerous that getting he/she wet. Tearing a hole in the bag might have saved the child's life at that moment, but may be the bag did have enough air coming in and out (as the man tried to explain himself). However, in a situation like that, I think I would be sympathize to the condition of the child and that of the man - let him be an idiot, or someone who is just very unfortunate. Who are we to judge? I think lending him an umbrella, or a raincoat, or a ride to where ever he is going probably would have been slightly more helpful than just tearing a hole in the bag - is all what I am saying..! And I am sure there are other factors that should be taken into consideration too, which I can't tell frm EFH's brief description of the situation. Again, I am still not saying what EFH did is wrong, or any less right that what I am saying I would have dne, but EFH asked what I would have done, and I said what I think I might do in a situation like that, that's all!
16 years ago
I would have lend him an umbrella, if I had one that is. May be he was just trying to keep his child dry, high fever or something, may be he couldn't afford one? ..who knows?
16 years ago