Hayrol Reyes Mejía wrote:
Also, ICEFaces is fully integrated with Facelets and you can forget abut use of JSP at all ... I really love facelets. On RichFaces even though you can do same things you can do with ICEfaces, you need to do more NO productive work to create something. The components into RichFaces looks to be most customizable, but again you need to work even with (x,y) coordinates, i.e.
Another thing I like from ICEFaces is the AJAX Push technology, I never have seen something so powerfull (in that topic) and too easy to configure and develop.
harish Rudra wrote:Thank you for replying whether Aspose which you told is an open source. If it is opensource i am pretty happy .Because I am doing an application in which complex doc operation should be done.thanks in advance
Will Gorman wrote:
Regarding detailed pricing and information on joining the partner program, you would need to contact one of our sales representatives:
Will Gorman wrote:Hi Leandro,
Our enterprise edition is a great value. It's about a tenth of the cost of our proprietary competitors. As an enterprise customer, you get great customer support on our open source products, as well as additional enterprise only software including our Dashboard Designer which lets you design quick dashboards, Enterprise Console which lets you manage the BI Server, and we just announced a new Analyzer Enterprise product, which makes it really easy to build cross tabs and do drag and drop analysis online. As a paying customer, you also get certified builds, indemnification, and more.
Andy Lester wrote:Here's a blog post from last year on the topic called "Don't fight to stay average."
Andy Lester wrote:I think it tells the recipient that you're just cranking through job prospects hoping to find something that happens to fit.
Sumit Bisht wrote:@andy
Thanks for the advice.
I have a doubt; can bringing in code samples be misconstructed as having some external help?
Gregg Bolinger wrote:I find it humorous that companies ask these kinds of questions and expect to find good engineers.
Andy Lester wrote:
Consider the situation where I'm a hiring manager looking at two entry-level programmers. Both have just been certified, but Clare brought some sample source code to a working application, plus the demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment of having doing so. Which of you is going to be less of a risk for me to hire? All other things being equal, I'll hire for enthusiasm and demonstrable work.
Originally posted by Frank Zammetti:
I'm not sure what you meant by static vs. dynamic presentation... I think they're all examples of dynamic presentation in that the UIs are updated on the fly. Did you mean something else?