a hui

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since Oct 14, 2000
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Recent posts by a hui

Have you checked if your class path has a reference to the Oracle package?
23 years ago
If I understood you correctly, you'll need to add an applet (or JApplet in swing) to your jsps or servlets. And then you'll have to figure out how the communication works between an applet to servlet and vise versa.
23 years ago
I guess my concern is for the clients, how many steps do they have to go through to authenticate an applet? Could you clearly list these steps?
Thank you
23 years ago
Yes, by changing the policy file I have it working on both IE and Netscape.
But the question is, what do you do for deployment of this applet to other computers? If you generate a certificate file, does the other clients can use this applet?
23 years ago
when I reposition the columns in a table, and add KeyListener the order of the columns in the table remain as originally defined e.g. if column headers are A, B, C
1 2 3
getValueAt(i,j) will give 1, 2, 3
however when user changes the column order to B, C, A I want to read
getValueAt(i, j) 2, 3, 1 but it doesn't.
It hasn't detected that the order changed and it still gives 1, 2, 3.
Does anyone know how should I add the appropriate listener to detect this kind of change to the table?
23 years ago
One way that I could this of is by generating a web application. So you could send the parameters to your servlet.
23 years ago
By using this certificate, is this another way of dealing with the security? because I just solved the problem by editing the policy file.
23 years ago
Are these positions still open? I'm a developer and formally a biologist in a biotech company.
23 years ago
I'd like to generate a grid on my web page so people can enter data. I think the only way to do so is from an applet containing a JTable. Does anyone has an sample code for a JTable in an applet so I could display it on my web page?
Thanks in advance for your help
23 years ago
I think the market in 1999 was much better than now. I did some job hunting in the begining of 2000 (having less experience) and got much more responses than what I have now. Even though at the moment I have almost 2 years experience in the IT business.
23 years ago
Hello John,
You gave a very good summary for job hunting techniques and I find it very useful. Could you please comment about the on-line job hunting sites? I've been trying to land a job using them by sending my resume via email but with very little response. It's much easier and faster for the job seeker to send a resume and cover letter electronically rather than by convential mail. But I'm not sure which method is more fruitful, what do you think?
23 years ago
Hello everyone,
I finished my SCJP2 today and got certified, it's very rewarding for me after studying for a little over two months now.
Bookes that I've studied from Mughal (very good book), and Exam Cram. I've covered about 10-15 mock exams among them Jcertify, Mughal's, some on the web, and Green's exam which I found closest in toughness.
The exam was very tricky!!! it covered every objective mentioned e.g. overloading/overriding, inheritence, GC, little of GUI pay attention to IO and threads, and you know the rest.
I also like to thank all the people participating in this site. It was a great help, and resource for my studies.
Best of luck to all of you that are planning to take the exam.
23 years ago
I guess I'd like to know why these numbers are octal and not binary, and also how can a number be represented in binary in a program?

Thanks for your answers. But I'm still not sure why MenuItem doesn't have an event. Isn't MenuItem the event source for ActionEvent?
The reason you're getting 10 from i = i++; because = operator has the lowest precedence and it's RHS while postfix operators are LHS.
As for your second question I also find it strange, but it seems that windows environment (if you work on win) interprates the binary differently. I'm not sure that reason for that but the following code shows that what we'd calculate as 8 from binary, in fact it prints 512.
public class certify{
public static void main(String args[])
int i=10;int j=8;
System.out.println(00001010);// prints 520
System.out.println(00001000);// prints 512
System.out.println(00001010^00001000); // prints 8
System.out.println(00000010);// prints 8
print out: