Frank Albright

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since Feb 19, 2000
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I've been writing JSP's and running them locally with the JSWDK. I put my stuff on the test box which uses JRUN. I get the following error for all my pages:
500 Internal Server Error
javax.servlet.ServletException: Invalid UTF-8 code. (bytes: 0xffffff92 0x73)
Anybody have any clues as to what this may be? I have searched the web with no luck. Have not found anybody with that has had this problem. Thanks.
23 years ago
I am trying to display JSP's on my local machine. Here is what I have done:
1. Downloaded and installed the JSWDK in directory C:\JSWDK
2. Added the following to my classpath
3. I put a JSP named Hello.jsp in the \examples\jsp directory
4. I start the server using the startserver.bat file
5. Open IE
6. Type in http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/Hello.jsp
I get a 404 Error: Page not found
I have tried to display some of the JSP's that come with the examples, but no luck.
Can anyone help?
23 years ago
Actually, I'm creating a java object that will pass some information to several JSP's. The JSP's will take those parameters and get information from the database and create the page. The page will be returned to my object, where I will store all my JSP's in a Hashtable and send them through a stream for someone else to use.
I actually got it working this afternoon using a JSP that someone at work had already developed. Pretty neat.
23 years ago
I am trying to POST information from my java class to a JSP using an HttpURLConnection. Has anyone done this before?
23 years ago
Can someone tell me what method will convert a String to a Date?
24 years ago
Here is a link to a great article by Java World addressing the Model 2 Architecture we were discussing.
24 years ago
Thanks Tony. I quit my job as a sales engineer and have taken a contract position with a consulting firm and this is basically what we are doing. Meantime, still looking for a permanent job in Memphis.
24 years ago
Can anyone tell me where to find information on the method 2 architecture? i.e. using jsp's to display info in beans. Using beans as the transfer mechanism between servlets and jsps. And using servlets for the actual logic, db access, etc. Thanks.
24 years ago
It actually needs to look like:
April 12, 2000
How would I get this?
24 years ago
I need to read a comma delimited text file. I was thinking of using the RandomAccessFile class and the readLine method. I would then need to use the string tokenizer class to get the field values. Does this sound reasonable?
24 years ago
I need to read a comma delimited text file. I was thinking of using the RandomAccessFile class and the readLine method. I would then need to use the string tokenizer class to get the field values. Does this sound reasonable?
I need to insert the current date into an email message. What is the method that will do that? Thanks.
I need to insert the current date into an email message. What is the method that will do that? Thanks.
24 years ago
I need to read a comma delimited text file. I was thinking of using the RandomAccessFile class and the readline method. Is this the best way? Thanks.
24 years ago
I need to insert the current date in an email when the email is run. What is the method that will do that? Thanks.
24 years ago