yaniv man

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since Mar 08, 2023
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Thank you for your answer

just to recap if I understand correctly

my choices are

1. adopt a naming convention such as say [programming language]-[customer]-[project name]
2. bundle similar projects under the same repository

just making sure :-)
I'm used to working with svn , but I wish to convert to git.

I'm used that in svn I work with folders and subfolders

say main folder is Android and under it i will place all my android projects
the next could be Java and under it my java code

but in git there is only the concept of repository, so each project gets a repository

I found in git the concept of submodule, but I do not think it is the same

How do i maintain multiple projects in a tree structure in git?
I got the following question :

Build the following with spring boot + jpa
Create database for a sale board site with the following options

Electronic device  (type , brand , condition)
Real Estate (type{apartment , villa , duplex } , sale/rent, size , room number)
furniture  (type , year ,color)
also add common fields that you think are needed ..

spring should support add, edit, remove , filter and sort .

please consider performance and maintenance
also bear in mind that the customer would like to add categories and additional features.

I think the best way to go about this is to set the table relationship as strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE

However , I keep on thinking that I missing something about this question ,
Thanks for any advise
1 year ago
hey ,

changed my application.yml to

   active: dev
   driver-class-name: org.sqlite.JDBC
   url: jdbc:sqlite:E:\\DDD\\springboot.db
 jpa-defer-datasource-initialization: true

but nothing changed :-(

updated the github with this change

** i noticed before my github project was not set to public so it is now..

** after Tim Holloway suggestion , i looked into the prefix and the naming convention ,
i managed to add prefix , but only after the HTE_ which seems to be coming  from some other process ...
1 year ago
Thanks for the response

i changed to

but now i get the created table name to be HTE_hte_user

i updated the github project ..

** BTW , is there a way to disable this behavior of the database naming ?
1 year ago
create table named user as such

but when i attempt to retrieve info from it with a controller

i get SQL Error: 1, SQLState: null [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: user)

checking the created database , i see the actual table name that was created is HTE_user

i m using

uploaded a demo of the issue to github : github.com/yaniv33/sqllite

any idea how to access the generated table correctly ?
1 year ago