Christoph Ehret

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since Dec 30, 2002
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I use the brand new JSR-82 implementation from Avetana that works on OS X (actually the first one) Windows and Linux . So this is actually the bluetooth stack I use on OS X .

The result I want should be similar to Salling Clicker or Romeo , both working very well with me T68i .

Just tell me what kink of other details you need.

I really thank you.

20 years ago

I have to implement a bluetooth server running on a desktop computer that has to provide special services to non-J2ME phones. When a phone sees the service and connect to the server, the latter has to propose it different menus, for example if a user presses 1, he receives what is under the first menu, if presses 2, he receives what is under the second menu, and so on.

1) What kind of connection have I to establish ? RFCOMM or L2CAP, or even another type ?

2) How have I to send the different elements to the connected phones, i.e so that it appears as different menus on the phone display (for example
1 Sport
2 Mensa
3 Uni events
etc.) ?

3) How do I catch on the server the number pressed on the phone ? Certainly with a listener, but ... ?

Would be great if someone could help me a little bit.


20 years ago
The point is, that it seems that Apple has no JSR-82 Interface for the Bluetooth API ... So no Bluetooth support for Java on a Mac
So, let's try Obj-C ...
20 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I must admit (perhaps I am wrong) that documentation on this topic is rather poor unfortunately. Of course, you find a lot of stuff for the midlets, but something rather simple (or at least it seems simpler than other cases) as a little app running on my desktop or labtop with Bluetooth and scanning for responding to requests from mobile devices, just nothing ... Perhaps things will change with these Books .
20 years ago
Sorry, but impossible to access the link you gave me (wrong URL ?). What are the names of the books ?
20 years ago
I have to write an application that runs on OS X (and if possible on any other plateform) with Bluetooth and that should communicate to any bluetooth mobile a kind of menu where you can do some actions (something like Sallingclicker or Romeo for those who know). So I found the Bluetooth API JSR82; ok, nice, it is even a final release. I only found the sources, is this normal ? No package ? I compile the example PrintClient without problem, but it I try to run the application, I have the following error :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Not Implemented! Used to compile Code
So I have a look at the sources in javax.bluetooth and oohhh surprise almost every method throws the following exception when used throw new RuntimeException("Not Implemented! Used to compile Code"); .
But in the other code examples I found on Benhui.Net or on Sun website, they nerver speak of such a thing.
So how can I test the application ? Have I downloaded the wrong thing ? What have I to do, because actually I am really stucked .
Thanks for your explanations and help.
20 years ago
Ok, I found the problem... I had to add file:/// to the medialocator , i.e

21 years ago
It is actually the first time I am using the JMF API . It seems quite cool to use, but each time I try to play a video (.mov or .avi) , I have the ... But I cannot understand why !! My code seems ok, but...

As input String I give the Absolute path to the movie I want to play, for example /Users/einbert/Desktop/SMMWriter/Transcript/ . But each time I have the following error message : Cannot find a Player for :/Users/einbert/Desktop/SMMWriter/Transcript/ . I also tried to open a movie in the Transcript folder that does not exist, but it also throws the same exception (of course with another movie name), instead of a IOException !! Where is the problem ?
Thanks a lot.
21 years ago
Thanks a lot. Setting the feature did it . Thanks .
[ August 25, 2003: Message edited by: Christoph Ehret ]
I am parsing an XML File using DOMParser from Xerces; I use

It seems that when it cannot find the DTD specified in the xml file xmlDocument , it throws an IOException. So how can I make it work without a DTD ?
How can I set a new paragraph for each new sentences that are inserted in a JTextPane ? I creat a style for each parts or types that are inserted in my JTextPane and specify the attributes, for example

The problem, is that each attribute that concerns CharacterAttribute is ok, it is said the inserted text is red, bold and with a font size of 18, but every ParagraphAttribute is not set, it is said the inserted text is not centered and I have not a space below and Above !! How can I make this work ?
I thank you for your help
21 years ago
Can somebody please tell me how I can make a StyledDocument not editable, i.e writelocked, but where a carret can still give me some position information ? I hope you see what I mean...
21 years ago