This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Shabeen Jafri

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since Dec 30, 2002
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Recent posts by Shabeen Jafri

Did you ever figure out this problem? I am having a similar issue.

20 years ago
Does anyone have any experience with the Lomboz plug-in for eclipse? How does it compare to the wizards that come with SunOne Studio (Netbeans)?
I have gotten used to SunOne Studio (Netbeans), but recently have decided to give Eclipse a try.
One thing I am missing are the Sun wizards that generate EJB skeleton code. Does anyone know of a good plugin for Eclipse that does the same thing?
Thanks for the suggestions! They both proved invaluable.
Does anyone know of a good guide to writing deployment descriptors?
Something on the web would be great, but any references are much appreciated.
-Shabeen Jafri
Congratualations, man. I always knew you'd kick some serious @$$!
Now little Isa (Atif's soon to be born son) can actually be proud of his Daddy!
21 years ago