First a big JavaRanch thank you to Marty for being here this week! We hope you had a good time and you'll come back and visit us!
He stated it clearly that this applies to medium/large web application projects. There is no gainsaying the fact that for small projects Microdoft products have an upper hand for obvious reasons.
However I want to thank Marty for his candid opinion on this issue, though I strongly believe that Microsoft .Net will come around to blow the leading rug out of the feet of java; its just a matter of time.
Because I have been asking him a lot questions about the advance topics and he always replies that they are in the volume II... So I can also guess that such kind of concurrency and multi-threading stuffs will be in the volume II.
Thank you, Marty... I saw you posted this thread in the morning 5:47...
I can figure out now that most of the advance topics are in the Volume II. I think all the fundamentals and essentials to build a good web application are in Volume I...
Come on, Marty. One question from me is left out... Are u still here??? I think Marty has already fallen asleep at this time...
Is JSESSIONID a cookie ??
How does the container & application manage it ??
Do u mean JSF is not widely used in the industry yet?
Since both the applications are running in the same container I was just wondering what security issues could come up?
I guess what I am trying to ask if I can control the number of sessions an user can initiate in one web application.
Don't you think that with the introduction of JSTL, and the power of its iteration tags, there will be very rare cases where someone need to write his own looping tag?
>can any body tell me from the beginning what i need to do to run a servlet program
>how to set the path & all
If I am using a cookie to manage session state, If I launch another IE from start menu what determines if that IE browser window will be using the session with cookie or it will be a new session?