hal arres

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since Jan 10, 2003
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Recent posts by hal arres

Hi Oliver,

thank you for your answer.

Your right, I use the documents pk as the eventprofile PK.
The way to set it programatically does work, but if I do it this way, I have to save each entity on its own. But I want to safe both objects at once.
Or is it the standard-way to safe each object in a One-To-One relation on its own?

I found a way to do safe the relation at once by using the method "persist" instead of "merge".
But now I am a little bit confused, because Many-To-One or One-To-Many relations can be persist by using "merge".
Do you know why merge does not work for One-To-One?

Hi all,

I want to do a one-to-one mapping with hibernate. In the beginning it seems to be very easy, but now I am not so sure. I tried and tried, but I always failed.

Maybe someone of you could help me to fix my problem. I become more and more desprate...

To do this mapping I changed two existing tables to the following structure:

Now I want to map them into my Entities, which look like this:


When I trying to read this entities everything works fine, but as soon as I want to insert one I get the following exception:

This is the part where I am trying to insert the entity:

In the row of sql statements I can see, that the sequence is executed, but this is all.

I searched very long for a solution and tried different suggestions, but none worked.
So I want to ask you, if someone could help.
It would be very nice...

All the best,
Hi Jothi,

thanks for your fast answer.
Luckily I have a JBoss 5.1.0.GA installed, but using this AS I get the same behaviour as in the 4.2.2.GA.

In the Tomcat I switched to the follwoing artefact:

But I still get a NullPointerException
15 years ago
Hi all,

I want to migrate an JSF application to JSF2.
The application is running on a Tomcat 6.0.18 and the backend on a JBoss 4.2.2.GA.

My problem is that I want to use inside the ManagedBeans the "@EJB" Annotation, but it won't work.
Maybe someone of you could help me with this problem

I am using the following artefacts:

This is my first ManagedBean:

And this is the context.xml:

But as soon as I try to access the RemoteBean I get a NullPointerException.

It would be very nice if someone of you could help me to fix my problem.

All the best,
15 years ago
Hi all,

I want to build a jsf page where the i18n string comes from the database and the translation should be read in the jsf page.
I want to do it this way because I stored different attributes in the database and they should be translated in the jsf page to the according language.

But I am trying and trying without any success. Maybe someone of you can help me?

I configured the message ressource in the faces-config.xml:

And want to access it in the jsf page in a way like this:

The object category contains the part of message key which is in the message ressource file.

It would be very nice if someone of you could help me.

15 years ago
Hi Marco,

thank you very very much. It was exactly how you wrote it.
I have to say that I became desperate in facing this problem.

So thank you very very much

All the best,
16 years ago
Hi all,

I am trying to setup my first jboss application, but I have some kind of a problem.
During the access of the Bean I get the following exception:

I'am using jboss 4.2.3GA.

This is the Bean:

And these are the interfaces:



And next the Client:

I have no idea what kind of a problem this is. I also checked the JNDI-Namespace inside the jboss, but this seems to be fine:

It would be very nice, if someone could help me resolving my problem

Thank you in advance,
16 years ago

I set up an Apache2 - Tomcat 5.5 - mod_jk Connection and it works fine.

But now I want to map a Tomcat context to the domain root directory, but I don't know how to do it.

Now it looks like this:
(Tomcat: http://localhost:8080/context/index.html)

It should look like this:
(Tomcat: http://localhost:8080/context/index.html)

Does anyone of you know where I have to look to get the right configuration?
I am searching since a few days, but can't find the solution

Thanks for any help.
Greetings, hal
17 years ago
To measur the time in the console I am using the command time, which prints the used time in milliseconds.
In Java I subtract two Dates:

The script is a driver for a webservice, it sends requests to a service an prints the response.
19 years ago

I am trying to execute a shell-script using Runtime.getRuntime.exec(), but it seems to be very slow.

Executing the Skript from console it takes nearly 100 milliseconds, using Runtime.getRuntime.exec() it takes 700 milliseconds.

What do I have to do to increase the speed or is there a faster way to execute a shell script?

Thanks for any help,
19 years ago

I posted it to the Forum.

Please, can any body help me with my encoding:

I am trying to unmashall an xml document, but while unmashalling I got an UTFDataFormatException.

The xml document is in a byte[] and this is the way I try to unmashall it:

On Windows it works fine, but when I try to deploy it on a linux server I got the following exception:

Please, can any body help me with my encoding:

I am trying to unmashall an xml document, but while unmashalling I got an UTFDataFormatException.

The xml document is in a byte[] and this is the way I try to unmashall it:

On Windows it works fine, but when I try to deploy it on a linux server I got the following exception:


I want to iterate through a nested bean, it is 3D.

The first bean contains an ArrayList, of the second bean.
Each second bean contains an ArrayList of the third bean.
Each Third bean contains different attributes.

I want to print Attributes of the third bean in text-field and the user should edit them
and committ changes by pushing the submit-button.

I can call the getter of the attributes in the third bean, but how can I make the
application call the setter?

This is my code... what should I do?

<nested:iterate id="line" property="resultList" name="kombinationForm">
<nested:iterate id="elementLine" name="line" property="resultList">
<nested:text name="elementLine" property="oneAtribute"/>

Can anyone help me?

mfg hal arres
20 years ago
This is my Code:
But it doesn't work and I don't know why.
I think it has something to do with this part: "<%= "entityResult[" + index+
"].resultList[" + idx + "].menge" %>"
The method "getEntityResult" is invoked but not the other part.

I am using two 3 forms, which are nested, they look like this:

I want to get values of the Forms by using the "iterator" tag:

[ November 10, 2004: Message edited by: hal arres ]
20 years ago