1: bigProject
||– Utils.java
Is this the right way of reading this directory structure?
"|" means directory
"||" means a class within a directory.
So Utils.java is a class under the source directory, and classes is a separate directory.
2: If HashSets only have unique values, why did I have 2 values of 3 in the code below?
Result: [16, 3, 3]
What is the following array declaration trying to accomplish? When I tried using a nested for loop to print its contents I got an infinite loop.
562433 0
1562434 0
1562435 0
1562436 0
and so on.
I have this block of code:
Either of the following expressions fill the blank so the code prints gamma:
How is the reversed method being applied to a character? Isn't this method used to reverse an entire array?
According to the article below, returns "a Comparator object that will use the specified field as the sort key."
What is the blank argument of the sort method supposed to be? And how do the methods above supply that argument?