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since Jan 18, 2003
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Recent posts by sivajothi


I have one doubt regarding component diagram. Do we need to show Data transfer objects/Value objects in component diagram?
If so, What is the general notation to be used for them. I feel these are classes and to be shown with the class notation if it is required to show in component diagram. But i am not sure whether i can show classes in component diagram or only need to show high level components.
Pls clarify.

Thanks in advance

I am using Enterprise architect V5 trial version for creating my diagrams. When i import/save the diagrams as jpeg files for preparing the document, the images has Enterprise architect trail version tiled as watermark in the background.
Even though the images are clear, the background is fully tiled with the trial version message which looks bit odd.
Is there any way to remove that water mark?
Is anybody using the enterprise architect tool facing the same problem?
Will it be OK if i generate the diagrams as it is? Will it be acceptable?

Pls help

Thanks and regards

I have started for part 2. I have read the forum and observed that mostly people mentioned that they have designed their own web application framework.
Since there are popular MVC based WAF like struts are available in market, can these be used of instead of designing own framework or SUN measures /expects framework architecture / skills in order to get higher score.

Thanks and regards

Can u through some light on web tier? Do we need to architect for any type of client like web client / application client? Have u used webservices in yr architecture?

You said the class diagram is technology indepenent. Does this mean that the class diagram contains only the domain objects?

I feel when yr class diagram involves components like controller ( EJBs), service locator etc , it becomes j2ee specific.

Plese explain.

Thanks and regards

I understand that the terms value object and data transfer object are used interchangably.

IS there any difference between this two?

Thanks and regards

I heard that sun is going to upgrade the syllabus for SCEA to cover EJB 2.0 specification. When this will happen
I am planning to take up the SCEA part I exam during march. I have downloaded the syllabus from Sun. But it did not specify which specification is covered under the Exam ie. Whether EJB 1.1 or EJB 1.2 and what is the version of J2EE this exam is testing
I will be grateful if any tip on this is provided
Thanks and regards
Is struts 1.1 having any logic to display html <ol> tags. My requirement is as follows:

I am having a collection of ListItem objects. This list item object contain 2 properties-
content and indent level. This indent level determines whether the item is at sublevel or not.
I have to iterate this collection and display a html ordered list. I am struck in this problem because i have to compare 2 items in collection always " nth and n-1 th items"(except the first one) and if the indent level difference is more than 0, i have to put that many <ol type="1"> tags and if the difference is <0, then i have to put that many </ol> tags. Can i do this in struts 1.1 using nested?

For example if my collection is having the following objects
Object Content Indent level

ListItem 0 Root item 0

ListItem 1 Item at level 1 1

ListItem 3 Item at level 2 2

ListItem 4 Second root item 0

ListItem 5 Third root item 1

My html output has to be
<ol type=a>
<li>Root item></li>
<ol type=1>
<li>Item at level 1</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Item at level 2</li>
Second root item</li>
Third root item</li>

This is the output to be generated. For this i have to arrive at the difference in indent level and add either </ol> or <ol > tags.
Can it be done in struts 1.1. Please help me

Thanks in advance
21 years ago