John Sinues

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Recent posts by John Sinues

In the Oracle example found here, the author describes how one can return a resultset from a Java stored procedure. The example is pretty straightforward and easy to understand. My concern, however, is the Java stored procedure prone to leaks? Since, you are returning a resultset, you cannot explicitly close the database connection, statement, or resultset. However, closing these objects are recomended to prevent things such as cursor leaks. Does anyone know how Oracle 9i handles things such as this?

- John
19 years ago
Oracle's Enterprise Manager Console also does a nice job of displaying stored procedures. It shows the code (PL/SQL, Java), allows you to edit the code, or recompile it if necessary, export Java classes, plus much more. IMHO, it is not a quick as TOAD, but it does give you another alternative.
- John
21 years ago
Commenting out the above line from the sqlnet.ora file resolved the problem.
21 years ago
I think I resolved the issue. I commented out from sqlnet.ora. Now it looks like I can connect.
21 years ago
I installed Oracle 9i as administrator of the local machine and can successfully establish a connection while logged on as administrator. However, when I log off and log in as myself onto the domain, I cannot connect. I've received both the


errors. The database and TNS name services are running.
tnsping reports:

sqlplus scott/tiger reports:

The sqlnet.log file reports the following error:

Any ideas what is preventing users of the domain from connecting to the Oracle database that was installed on the local machine and how I can fix this?
Specs: Win2K SP4
Oracle 9i
512 MB RAM
- John
[ November 03, 2003: Message edited by: John Sinues ]
[ November 03, 2003: Message edited by: John Sinues ]
[ November 03, 2003: Message edited by: John Sinues ]
21 years ago
Finally, after an agonizing six weeks of waiting, I finally received the results for the Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform exam. I PASSED!

Here's the actual breakdown of the exam:
Test: Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform (310-027)
Date Taken: 2003-09-30 12:44:18.233
Registration Number: xxxxxxxxxx
Site: va19
Grade: P
Score: 146
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual number of points you were awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your strengths. The maximum possible number of points is 155; the minimum to pass is 124.
Section Summary Report:
General Considerations: Maximum=58 Deductions=5 Actual=53
Documentation: Maximum=20 Deductions=2 Actual=18
GUI: Maximum=24 Deductions=2 Actual=22
Server: Maximum=53 Deductions=0 Actual=53
Total: Maximum=155 Deductions=9
Certification Score=146
Thanks to JavaRanch and all those people over the years who provided me with ideas and feedback for the Fly By Night assignment. I had one of the early assignments that required a conversion program. After three years and a number of life event changes, I'm very happy to have finally completed this certification.
It has been a great learning experience and I would encourage anyone considering the SCJD to go for it. I feel it would be even more beneficial if Sun (or whoever the graders are), if they could provide additional written feedback to the scores on both successful and unsuccessful results. I feel it would be a valuable asset for the candidate. On a positive note, I would like to give compliments to Sun for their quick responses. I ended up emailing [email protected] on numerous occasions to determine the status of my exam. They responded in a friendly and timely manner.
John Sinues
21 years ago
You'll need to un-jar it. Try jar xvf <filename>. You may have to fully qualify the path of the jar executable, e.g. c:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin\jar
If you only have the JRE installed, then you'll need to download the SDK and install it.
- John
How long did it take for Sun to post the results?
- John
21 years ago

I used origin and destination field in the search functionality. Is it enough?

Would you get more points if you search on all three: carrier, destination, and origin? It isn't difficult to implement all three criteria and if it keeps one from losing points, it seems worthwhile to implement.
I chose to filter by all three criteria even though my instructions say

the user should be able to select the origin and destination of flights.

One main reason to implement it is that it is a good way to ensure the criteriaFind method works correctly with various combinations of carrier, destination, and origin filter criteria.
- John
[ August 11, 2003: Message edited by: John Sinues ]
According to my FBN instructions, the following are valid configuration parameters:
  • DNS name of the server
  • Port number used by the server
  • Data file name(s)
  • java.rmi.server.codebase
  • security manager policy file

  • Failure to adhere to these directions will result in automatic failure.
    My question is, do you think it is ok to to use -? as a command line argument to display a program's usage clause? My reasoning is YES, since this is not a configuration parameter. What do you think?
    - John
    In your FAQ, you can also mention the Sun vouchers can be purchased online at
    SCJD Certification.
    - John
    I greatly appreciate your input.

    To be honest - I don't understand what this code is doing.
    Your first try catch block should create the file unless it exists, in which case you give an option to delete it.
    Wouldn't it be easier just to use the normal File.exists() method rather than trying to create the file to verify if it exists?

    After running the sample code that you provided, I kept wondering to myself, why didn't I use the File.exists() method The way I implemented the creation of the datafile, as you pointed out, was not clear. So I reworked the code using the File.exists() method and tested it this morning. Everything works now.
    It's been awhile since I actually worked on my conversion program (January 2001 according to the header). I can finally see the end to this project. Just a couple more weeks then I think I'll be ready to take the plunge and submit my project and take the exam. Thanks again for your input and the code review -- you just saved me a couple of points!
    - John
    [ July 18, 2003: Message edited by: John Sinues ]
    Hi Andrew,
    Thanks for the quick response.
    In response to some of your questions:
    1. The example code that you provided works fine under Red Hat, SunOS, and Windows.
    2. Methods/classes to create the file, here's a code excerpt:

    After looking at the code, again, I'm beginning to think the .delete() method is the culprit under Unix. What do you think?
    - John
    I have one of the earlier assignments which requires the development of a conversion program.
    Under Windows, the program works fine. When I type

    a db.db file is created in the local directory.
    Unfortunately, under UNIX (Red Hat, Mandrake, and SunOS), running the same command does not result in a file being created. The program completes correctly and no errors are reported. However, if I create the file first by typing

    then run the above command, everything behaves normally. I've tried different shells (sh, csh, tcsh, bash) with no success. Directory permissions are 777.
    Any ideas?
    - John
    Thanks Andrew. You are correct in that I was using a variation of csh (tcsh in my case). After changing to sh or quoting the option, e.g. '-?', everything worked fine.
    Thanks again,
    - John