zhang bo

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since Jan 21, 2003
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Recent posts by zhang bo

Hi there!
Got a problem.
Suppose a Jsp page send request to a server, and if no response in certain time (50 seconds for example), redirect to an error page showing some informations.
How to manage it?
Will it be ok if I use a timer and fire event when certain time passed without response to let jsp redirect? How to manage that? I mean how to interrupt the request and redirect?
Thx in advance!
21 years ago
To frank sun and Ta Ri Ki Sun
Thx a lot!
I just downloaded the new version assignment, whcih has clearly listed out the structure of db.db. And I wondered if I could define "field numbers","length of field" and "length of record"
as constant. You know, doing this will save much work. Thanks in advance!
I take the exam after 2 months's studying.
First read <<Thinking in Java 2>>
Then I went to http://www.jchq.net/ and came here to watch articles posted by kind people,which help me a lot.
I only took marcusgreen's mocks and did four mocks on www.Jdiscuss.com.The latter is much difficult but very helpful.Lot's of thanks.So I think if u have had a good grasp on the content of objectives Sun required,it's no need to take too many mocks.
I found javaranch very helpful during my way to get certified.Thanks again.
Now move on to SCJD.
Forgive my poor english and good luck to everyone here.
[ January 21, 2003: Message edited by: zhang bo ]
21 years ago