Carlo Trani

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since Jan 24, 2003
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Recent posts by Carlo Trani

I suppose members of TestClass are:
I read about a an IllegalAccessError on JTidy in an old post here but I didn't find any solution...
when a try to parse a String

probably the problem are the strongest permission restrictions you have to deal when you develop an applet. There is a workaround to solve this problem?
Thanks ciao
21 years ago
Hello everybody!
Anyone knows why every time I attempt to use a ByteArrayInputStream in a JApplet via http I get an IllegalAccessError?
Is there any workaround known to solve that problem?
21 years ago
Hi Shashi! :-)
You understood perfectly, really thanks a lot for your last post! I find it really useful! You touched the problem
Bye Carlo
22 years ago
thanks a lot Shashi but maybe I did not explain in the right way my problem.
Just to continue the reference of the previous code...
I simply want sobstitute edit panel whit a new version of "that" edit JPanel.
I know how to use show method or even others (first(), last(), next() to flib between previously added panels) but I need something different!
22 years ago
how can I change panel added to a layoutManager.
Here is the code
JPanel edit = new JPanel(); <br>
CardLayout card = new CardLayout();<br>
JPanel panel = new JPanel();<br>

edit JPanel contains other GUI stuff...
when a particular event occur I want to change the edit panel with anoter one...
...I know how to manage the event handling but I am not able to change that layout.
Any suggestion?
22 years ago