zulfiqar raza

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Recent posts by zulfiqar raza

Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Nice editing job, zulfiqar.
But the article does go on to say that links between the hijackers and Osama bin Laden cells in Germany have been found. This is good news for the US because apparently bin Laden was not able to set up a vast terrorist organization within the USA.

Thomas Paul, Where does the article say that? please provide the excerpt from the said article.
My posting was a direct reply to Jane Griscti's suggestion that there may be other Cells in the United States, that might be tied to Binladen's network. If you look at the entire story that I took from New York Times, it shows otherwise.
While the original Washington Post story that I posted actually suggested that they were not able to find a connection between the existings the 'Cell's and hijackers. See : "No Connection Found Between 'Cell' Members and 19 Hijackers, Officials Say". the article that I posted eariler in this thread.

[This message has been edited by zulfiqar raza (edited September 25, 2001).]
23 years ago

Originally posted by Jane Griscti:
Problem is the CIA and FBI don't really know how many cells there are or where they're located. It's very possible the individual cells have limited knowledge of each other. There does not necessarily have to be a connection between them. The hijackers could have belonged to 4 or 5 cells that were only connected to each other.

Jane: Just read something relevant to your comments in New York times.. here is the link and the excerpts.
While some reports have suggested that there were other terrorist cells in the United States and even failed plots to hijack other airplanes on Sept. 11, the official said that the arrests of hundreds of people and interviews with thousands of others have produced little hard evidence to support either suspicion.
"Thus far we cannot connect any of those people that we're looking at to any of those 19" men who were identified as the hijackers, the official said
While not ruling out future discoveries, the authorities are saying that, to date, they have not found evidence of organized groups linked to Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, .......
23 years ago

Originally posted by Ken Bates:
To zulfiqar raza:

You stated that "Hindu members of the RSS, the parent organization of the ruling BJP" were killing and causing destruction in India. This is a concern for human rights violations, but is not terrorism. If the government began planning events like this in other countries then yes it would be a terrorist nation. I know in the past that India has commited one of the worst terrorist acts ever commited (which I won't go into here), but I have not seen evidence that the country is commiting or supporting terrorism now. Of course I hardly have all the facts in the matter so I am not a good candidate to make a judgement.

Ken Bates, I did not state the above, rather I quoted from YOUR congressional sources and the President of Council of Khalistan, in Washington, D.C. There are other congressional sources also such as representative Towne. In addition if you would like a 3rd opinion ask any Sri-Lankan national about the conflict on their Island nation. How the LTTE was armed, trained, funded and supported by India. Also did you read my other postings, quoted from the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) website. Which mentioned the acts of terrorism in Pakistan taken by India on behalf of its long lost ally the Soviet Union. AND the fact these acts of terrorism have not ever stopped.
Interestingly Nanhesru Ningyake had asked a good question, that if India is supporting terrorism why is not on the terrorist watch list of USA. Let me again quote from the FAS website to try to explain why:
"The Indian embassy's covert activities are reported to include the infitration of US long distance telephone carriers by Indian operatives, with access to all kinds of information, to r blackmail relatives of US residents living in India. In 1996 an Indian diplomat was implicated in a scandal over illegal funding of political candidates in the US. Under US law foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to federal elections. The US District Court in Baltimore sentenced Lalit H Gadhia, a naturalised US citizen of Indian origin, to three months imprisonment. Gadhia had confessed that he worked as a conduit between the Indian Embassy and various Indian-American organisations for funnelling campaign contributions to influence US lawmakers. Over $46,000 from the Indian Embassy was distributed among 20 Congressional candidates. The source of the cash used by Gadhia was Devendra Singh, a RAW official assigned to the Indian Embassy in Washington. Illicit campaign money received in 1995 went to Democratic candidates including Sens. Charles S. Robb (D-Va.), Paul S. Sarbanes (D -Md.) and Reps. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.) and Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.). "
Unfortunately money and influence sells on the capitol hill. And if you buy enough influence from the American senators, you can practically do anything. So despite the fact that India has supported terrorism in its neighbouring states, inspite of the fact taht nuns are raped and missionaries may be burned alive, no one really takes notice. Something that other nations such as Israelis understood long ago and created AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee) which is ranked number 1 lobby group in the US.
23 years ago
Check this out:
No Connection Found Between 'Cell' Members and 19 Hijackers, Officials Say
By Bob Woodward and Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, September 23, 2001; Page A01
Four to five al Qaeda groups have operated in the United States for the last several years, but investigators have not yet found any connection between them and any of the 19 hijackers responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, according to government officials............
23 years ago
Check this out:
No Connection Found Between 'Cell' Members and 19 Hijackers, Officials Say
By Bob Woodward and Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, September 23, 2001; Page A01
Four to five al Qaeda groups have operated in the United States for the last several years, but investigators have not yet found any connection between them and any of the 19 hijackers responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, according to government officials............
23 years ago

Originally posted by Nanhesru Ningyake:
Nice story. .

There is nothing nice about a story on Hindu parents selling their children. Or the fact that in India slavery is common and takes the form of fake adoptoins. I am surprised you find it nice.
I was simply trying to point out that the Indian trying to capitalize on the tragic situation in New York. The fact that such acts are the result of poverty, not limited to any one race, religion or nationality.
Thanks for your link, I went to the site: Look what I found:
Women in India Suffer
Violence and Discrimination
Authorities in India are failing to prevent violence against women and sometimes take an .......

[This message has been edited by zulfiqar raza (edited September 23, 2001).]
23 years ago

U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has said that for Sikhs, Kashmiri Muslims, and other minorities �India might as well be Nazi Germany.�
Dr. Aulakh Singh, an American citizen from Washinton D.C. writes:
"Indian security forces have murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, according to figures compiled by the Punjab State Magistracy and human-rights organizations. These figures were published in The Politics of Genocide by Inderjit Singh Jaijee. India has also killed over 200,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947, over 75,000 Kashmiris since 1988, and tens of thousands of Untouchables as well as indigenous tribal peoples in Manipur, Assam and elsewhere.
The Indian government has also targeted Christians. They have been victims of a campaign of terror that has been going on since Christmas 1998. Churches have been burned, Christian schools and prayer halls have been attacked, nuns have been raped, and priests have been killed. Missionary Graham Staines and his two sons were burned alive while they slept in their jeep by militant Hindu members of the RSS, the parent organization of the ruling BJP. Now his widow is being expelled from India. "
If this is not enough for you, I will provide many more detailed references.
23 years ago

Originally posted by Ken Bates:

terrorists. Our collation includes: Pakistan, Syria, and Palestine. All we need to do now is include bin Laden and we should have all the terrorists on our side in the war against terrorism!

Ken: And I assume it includes having terrorist India on your side also.

from = http://www.fas.org
Federation of American Scientists
"Throughout the Afghan War RAW (Indian Intelligence Agency) was responsible for the planning and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan to deter Pakistan from support of Afghan liberation movement against India's ally, the Soviet Union. The assistance provided to RAW by the KGB enabled RAW to arrange terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War. The defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan did not end the role of RAW in Pakistan"
23 years ago

Originally posted by Prasad Charasala:
poor muslim family girls for just one month or so and leave them back in India giving 'THALAK' to them.
Govt. arrested some of the girls parents and came to know that they given their doughter to Arabs for money. One of such muslim girl said her parents forcibly performed marriage with Arabs more than four times for money.

First it was interesting to read your lies about Sikhs keeping long hair. Now you are trying hard to give a religious dimension to something that is common in India. Why don't you read the story below taken from an Indian newspaper telling of Hindus selling their kids. In fact according to similar Indian news sources slavery is quite commonly practiced in India in the guise of fake adoptions.
from : http://www.hindustantimes.com
Nation�s shame: Starving Orissa family sells children
Anand S.T. Das
(Raipur, September 22)
Nothing in the world had prepared me for this. I had gone to Badagamada in Balangir as a curious journalist, but I came back as the owner of two children. Yes, reprehensible as the word is, owner. For, a starving Oriya family had begged me to buy Paree, 4, and his two-year-old sister Jemati so that the two children also wouldn't die of hunger.
Life is cheap in Orissa. For both children I paid Rs 1,100 and 15 kg rice � after some bargaining though � which would help the starving family hold out for a few days more.
On September 10, I had gone to Badagamada to find out what had happened to the three orphans of a tribal widow, Premshila Bhoi, who had allegedly died of starvation in December.
I couldn't believe my ears when the orphans' uncle requested me to take two of the three children with me. Dambaru, Premshila's brother-in-law pointed towards the two emaciated little toddlers. As I took in Dambaru's words, his wife Gangabali and some villagers urged me to take the children.
Paree sat outside the home of his uncle and aunt, leaning against the wall and staring vacantly at the people who had gathered there. Near him sat Jemati.
"We are unable to feed these two children as we do not have enough food for ourselves and our own children," said Dambaru. "Premshila's eldest son Hrudananda, however, is old enough to care for himself," he said. Hrudananda is just 10.
"Will you sell me your nephew Paree?" I asked Dambaru, who tends the three goats given to him at a 50 per cent discount by an NGO and works as a daily-wage labourer. His wife and two young children also work to supplement his income. His half-acre plot yields one paddy crop a year � enough to feed his family of seven for one whole month.
My offer to buy Paree evoked a quick reply from Gangabali: "Please take both because Jemati will die without Paree's company."
"Taking one will neither solve our problem nor can it change the fate of these two helpless children," said a relative. An old woman started crying: "Their parents died as no help came from the Government."
Paree's uncle and aunt would talk about money only after I promised to buy both children. I assured them that I would take away Paree first and come back for Jemati.
Dambaru and the villagers asked me to purchase coconuts for the puja. I had to fork out Rs 500 to the priest. Then I was asked to pay Rs 1,500 as a "parting gift" (bidakhi) before taking Paree with me. However, we settled at Rs 600.
As Dambaru handed Paree to me, the womenfolk started crying, begging me to feed the child well and to come again to take the other child. "When you return, bring 15 kilos of rice for the family," requested an old woman.
As we got into the taxi, I asked Paree: "Do you feel like going back home?" "Naahin" ("No"), he said smiling.
On September 14, I returned to Badagamada. I had come with the rice, which I gave to Dambaru. I had bought some new clothes for Jemati, which her relatives made her wear. I told the villagers who had gathered near Dambaru's house that Paree was being taken care of at my house in Raipur.
The villagers set Rs 1,500 as Jemati's price. I bargained once again, saying that Jemati wasn't a boy. They sold me the child for Rs 500.
As we drove towards Raipur I saw a faint smile on Jemati's face. Perhaps it was in anticipation of meeting Paree. Or was it the promise of regular meals?
23 years ago
Cindy, You probably don't know however the term 'Pakis' is considered a racist slur in Britain. Just like calling Indian 'dot-heads' or using the 'N' word for blacks in American.
In addition he did not call me personally 'wacky'. Instead he chose to call all Pakistanis by that term. That too he did by referring to 'his American friends'. Like firing a racist slur over the shoulder of Americans. That would be like me saying that all my American friends refer to Indians as dot-heads. Just a note to the moderators if they wish to take notice.

[This message has been edited by zulfiqar raza (edited September 22, 2001).]
23 years ago

Originally posted by Nanhesru Ningyake:

. some of my American friends refer to Pakistanis as Wacky Pakis - please don't prove that to me

I request the moderators to remove posts that try to insult nationalities. Just because he has referred to 'American friends' referring with such terms does not make it legit. I can also say my American friends refer to Indian as XXXXX .. this would also be construed as abusive.
Thank you
23 years ago
My friend, I think your presumptions are totally wrong. India is leading and pioneering and harboring of terrorist. For example look at these excerpts from the FAS (Federation of American Scientists) sites. Which should be more relevant to our American friends.
Throughout the Afghan War RAW (Indian agency) was responsible for the planning and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan to deter Pakistan from support of Afghan liberation movement against India's ally, the Soviet Union. The assistance provided to RAW by the KGB enabled RAW to arrange terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War.
Another example of terrorist activities against America is the following:
The Indian embassy's covert activities are reported to include the infitration of US long distance telephone carriers by Indian operatives, with access to all kinds of information, to r blackmail relatives of US residents living in India. In 1996 an Indian diplomat was implicated in a scandal over illegal funding of political candidates in the US. Under US law foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to federal elections. The US District Court in Baltimore sentenced Lalit H Gadhia, a naturalised US citizen of Indian origin, to three months imprisonment. Gadhia had confessed that he worked as a conduit between the Indian Embassy and various Indian-American organisations for funnelling campaign contributions to influence US lawmakers. Over $46,000 from the Indian Embassy was distributed among 20 Congressional candidates. The source of the cash used by Gadhia was Devendra Singh, a RAW official assigned to the Indian Embassy in Washington. Illicit campaign money received in 1995 went to Democratic candidates including Sens. Charles S. Robb (D-Va.), Paul S. Sarbanes (D -Md.) and Reps. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.) and Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.).

[This message has been edited by zulfiqar raza (edited September 21, 2001).]
23 years ago
I see some people are using this as an opportunity to push their own agenda. Lets take a Look at India's hand in terrorism shall we?? This is taken from the Federation of American Scientists website.
Research and Analysis Wing [RAW]
The Cabinet Secretariat Research and Analysis Wing [RAW], India's most powerful intelligence agency, is India�s external intelligence agency. RAW has become an effective instrument of India's national power, and has assumed a significant role in formulating India's domestic and foreign policies. RAW has engaged in disinformation campaigns, espionage and sabotage against Pakistan and other neighboring countries. RAW has enjoyed the backing of successive Indian governments in these efforts. Working directly under the Prime Minister, the structure, rank, pay and perks of the Research & Analysis Wing are kept secret from Parliament.
Current policy debates in India have generally failed to focus on the relative priority given by RAW to activities directed against India's neighbors versus attention to domestic affairs to safeguard India's security and territorial integrity. The RAW has had limited success in dealing with separatist movements in Manipur and Tripura in the northeast, Tamil Nadu in the south, and Punjab and Kashmir in the northwestern part of the country. Indian sources allege the CIA has penetrated freedom fighters in Kashmir and started activities in Kerala, Karnataka, and other places, along with conducting economic and industrial espionage activities in New Delhi.
In 1968 India established this special branch of its intelligence service specifically targeted on Pakistan. The formation of RAW was based on the belief that Pakistan was supplying weapons to Sikh terrorists, and providing shelter and training to the guerrillas in Pakistan. Pakistan has accused the Research and Analysis Wing of sponsoring sabotage in Punjab , where RAW is alleged to have supported the Seraiki movement, providing financial support to promote its activities in Pakistan and organizing an International Seraiki Conference in Delhi in November-December 1993. RAW has an extensive network of agents and anti-government elements within Pakistan, including dissident elements from various sectarian and ethnic groups of Sindh and Punjab. Published reports allege that as many as 35,000 RAW agents have entered Pakistan between 1983-93, with 12,000 are working in Sindh, 10000 in Punjab 8000 in North West Frontier Province and 5000 in Balochistan. As many as 40 terrorist training camps at Rajasthan, East Punjab, Held Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India are run by the RAW's Special Service Bureau (SSB).
Throughout the Afghan War RAW was responsible for the planning and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan to deter Pakistan from support of Afghan liberation movement against India's ally, the Soviet Union. The assistance provided to RAW by the KGB enabled RAW to arrange terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War. The defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan did not end the role of RAW in Pakistan, with reports that suggest that India has established a training camp in the town of Qadian, in East Punjab, where non-Muslim Pakistanis are trained for terrorist activities. [b] Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has blamed India for funding the current upsurge of terrorism in Pakistan, and senior ministers have blamed the Research and Analysis Wing for the sectarian violence between Shias and Sunnis which has resulted in thousands of deaths every year.
Terrorist activities in Pakistan attributed to the clandestine activities of Indian and Afghan intelligence agencies include:
A car bomb explosion in Saddar area of Peshawar on 21 December 1995 caused the deaths of 37 persons and injured over 50 others.
An explosion at Shaukat Khanum Hospital on 14 April 1996, claimed the lives of seven persons and injured to over 34 others.
A bus traveling from Lahore to Sahiwal was blown up at Bhai Pheru on 28 April 1996, causing the deaths of 44 persons on the spot and injuring 30 others.
An explosion in a bus near the Sheikhupura hospital killed 9 persons and injured 29 others on 08 May 1996.
An explosion near Alam chowk, Gujranwala on 10 June 1996 killed 3 persons and injured 11 others.
A bomb exploded on a bus on GT Road near Kharian on 10 June 1996, killing 2 persons and injuring 10 others.
On 27 June 1996, an explosion opposite Madrassah Faizul Islam, Faizabad, Rawalpindi, killed 5 persons and injured over 50 others.
A bomb explosion in the Faisalabad railway station passenger lounge on 08 July 1996 killed 3 persons and injured 20 others.
RAW has responded to Pakistani arms and training for Muslim militants in the disputed region of Kashmir state. RAW allegedly executed a hijacking of an Indian Airliner to Lahore in 1971 which was attributed to the Kashmiris, to give a terrorist dimension to the Kashmiri national movement. However soon the extent of RAW's involvement was made public.

RAW has a long history of activity in Bangladesh, supporting both secular forces and the area's Hindu minority. The involvement of RAW in East Pakistan is said to date from the 1960s, when RAW promoted dissatisfaction against Pakistan in East Pakistan, including funding Mujibur Rahmanh's general election in 1970 and providing training and arming the Mukti Bahini.

During the course of its investigation the Jain Commission received testimony on the official Indian support to the various Sri Lankan Tamil armed groups in Tamil Nadu. From 1981, RAW and the Intelligence Bureau established a network of as many as 30 training bases for these groups in India. Centers were also established at the high-security military installation of Chakrata, near Dehra Dun, and in the Ramakrishna Puram area of New Delhi. This clandestine support to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), some of whom were on the payroll of RAW, was later suspended. Starting in late 1986 the Research and Analysis Wing focused surveillance on the LTTE which was expanding ties with Tamil Nadu separatist groups. Rajiv Gandhi sought to establish good relations with the LTTE, even after the Indian Peace Keeping Force [IPKF] experience in Sri Lanka. But the Indian intelligence community failed to accurately assess the character of the LTTE and its orientation India and its political leaders. The LTTE assassination of Rajiv Gandhi was apparently motivated by fears of a possible re-induction of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) in Sri Lanka and a crackdown on the LTTE network in Tamil Nadu.
The RAW and the Ministry of External Affairs are provided Rs 25 crore annually as "discretionary grants" for foreign influence operations. These funds have supported organisations fighting Sikh and Kashmiri separatists in the UK, Canada and the US. An extensive network of Indian operatives is controlled by the Indian Embassy in Washington DC. The Indian embassy's covert activities are reported to include the infitration of US long distance telephone carriers by Indian operatives, with access to all kinds of information, to r blackmail relatives of US residents living in India. In 1996 an Indian diplomat was implicated in a scandal over illegal funding of political candidates in the US. Under US law foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to federal elections. The US District Court in Baltimore sentenced Lalit H Gadhia, a naturalised US citizen of Indian origin, to three months imprisonment. Gadhia had confessed that he worked as a conduit between the Indian Embassy and various Indian-American organisations for funnelling campaign contributions to influence US lawmakers. Over $46,000 from the Indian Embassy was distributed among 20 Congressional candidates. The source of the cash used by Gadhia was Devendra Singh, a RAW official assigned to the Indian Embassy in Washington. Illicit campaign money received in 1995 went to Democratic candidates including Sens. Charles S. Robb (D-Va.), Paul S. Sarbanes (D -Md.) and Reps. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.) and Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.).
23 years ago
It is ludicrous to try to single out Pakistan. Pakistan has been at the receiving end of terrorism. India has been responsible for terrorist activities in all its neighbours. Including arming the LTTE in Sri-Lanka, the creation of Bangladesh which was preceded by Indian sponsored terrorist activities and other countless acts of Indian state sponsored terrorism.
If you think this is incorrect I will provide references from 3rd party sources.
23 years ago

This victory over Communism was also fought on the highlands of Afghanistan. When the Russian Army invaded , the Americans made sure Afghanistan was a "bear trap" for them. A revenge for Vietnam. They supplied the Afghans with weaponary and training. They bled the Soviet Army in Afghanistan and bankrupted their economy through a 10 year war effort in Afghanistan. A bankrupt Soviet state collapsed and the US had its revenge.
America did not feel much in this revenge and "Cold War", but for those in Afghanistan? Over a Million died, over 2 Million crippled, over 6 million refugees in Pakistan and Iran and a country left in ruins. When Americans pulled out the insitutions in Afghanistan were non-existant and stability in Pakistan collapsed. Guns and drugs (left over from the American involvment) flooded Pakistan.
There was no "Marshall Plan" for that region, US just pulled out. It was not Japan or Europe.
23 years ago